(formerly 3229 Burnet Ave.) in Uptown Cincinnati, this groundbreaking facility marks a historic milestone in cancer care, addressing the critical needs of the 1.6 million affected by blood cancers in the U.S. annually. Continue Reading The University of Cincinnati Cancer Center today inaugurated ...
2. 51 路:连接 Clifton 和东部的 Hyde Park,在 Clifton,M.L.King,Burnet 上有站点。 3. 53 路:连接 downtown 和 Clifton,线路较短,在 Ludlow,Vine,Aubur 一 线均有车站,downtown 终点在 Sixth St / Main St。 4. 31 路:东西方向经过 UC,连接 Lower Price Hill 和东面的 Walnut Hills, 在附近...