除了在弄丢了大一Orientation送的胸前写着Aggie Pride的深蓝色T恤的时候,才发现身上有关于这间学校的东西,已经没剩几件了, 除了这些时刻我会想Davis以外,其他时候我都没有很想Davis。 是的,我是说过“条条大路通罗马,但有的人就出生在罗马”,可在Davis,入学时的起点跟毕业后身处何地确实没有太大的关系。 你...
你可以初三没读完就转去国际班高二没读完就来Davis High读语言进Davis四年后依然一无所获,你也可以像Morgan Stanley Program的那位白发教授一样,年轻的时候去开飞机去修潜水艇,老了以后坐在投行的Senior VP办公室里养老。 就好像大一Orientation很少人会真正关心你大一前的生活...
UC Davis依据在本校修得的学分多少来安排抢课时间,越是学分高越是先选课,也就是说博士生最先选课,freshman最后选课。抢不到热门课也没关系,可以先上别的课也可以堵把运气占个waitlist。等你在学校熬到大三大四,你肯定选得上。 每个专业都有一个major catalog,上面有你这个专业在UC Davis的事项和course requirem...
如果说一点身为UC Davis在校生的体验,我承认我们的课业不会像top20大学那样紧张,即便是工程或农学专业的同学也能留出一些时间好好生活。不过究其原因,也跟我们淳朴的乡下民风脱不开干系。UC Davis的学生们深谙解压之道,经常能在校园绿地上看到他们在吊床上一脸陶醉的模样;UC Davis的学生们也懂得友好待人之道,狭路相...
The UC Davis Tapping Potential Diversity Scholarships were created to support students who are committed to diversity, have experience and/or understanding of the barriers traditionally faced by people from underrepresented populations (based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation,...
“There’s room in brewing for a broader range of people, perspectives and experiences. By educating a more diverse pool of brewers, UC Davis will help make that happen,” said Dr. Glen Fox, academic director of the UC Davis Master Brewers Certificate Program. “By supporting the UC ...
We are Clara Rong and Sunny Ou, the project managers for 2022-2023! No matter what your major, class standing, race, religion, or sexual orientation is, we invite you to join our team! Since our conception, Cal Seismic continues to offer students both a competition team and a family ...
14 CARSGEN THERAPEUTICS HOLDINGS LIMITED Management Discussion & Analysis Expansion and Retention of Talent As of June 30, 2023, we had a total of 525 employees. CARsgen continuously invests in talent development. New employees from various subsidiaries and departments completed new hire orientation ...
ratemyprofessors.com 在November 2024的总访问量比 orientation.ucdavis.edu 更高。 过去3 个月的总访问量 Created with Highcharts 10.3.3SepOctNov06.7M13.5M20.2M 访问量 orientation.ucdavis.edu ratemyprofessors.com 总访问量4.9K13.5M 上个月变化47.26%26.04% ...
但是 UC Davis 是一个还不错的选择。同级别的学校里,UC Davis 有一个优势就是距离硅谷近,这是一...