我是电话面的,UC Davis 让我上海时间7:30打电话过去,然后等了几分钟,帮我电话转接到我的面试官,就开始问问题。 整个过程30多分钟,全部是常规问题。我之前总结了前人Davis面经,以下应该涵括全部了。 Why MBA at this time? Why Davis? Biggest strength and weakness? Biggest failure How will U introduce your...
不知道属于偏题了还是顺利引导了话题方向 听说我想做consulting,表示一般咨询公司都会需要应征者做一两个职位作为转换,问我怎么打算 没准备过的问题……我提了preMBA,MBA中的consulting project,两年间隔的internship作为铺垫 感觉他不够满意,继续问如果除了consulting,你还对什么职位特别exciting 我提到了business analytical...
UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center is the only National Cancer Institute-designated center serving the Central Valley and inland Northern California, a region of more than 6 million people. Its specialists provide compassionate, comprehensive care for
San Fransisco和Berkeley(假设你不住在奥克兰那种地方)次之。Davis 和Santa Cruz,Riverside,Mercede相...
part-time MBA programs in Sacramento and the San Francisco Bay Area, a Master of Science in Business Analytics in San Francisco, and the first Online MBA in the UC system. The School is home to the Mike and Renee Child Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship and the UC Davis Center ...
Davis and his Executive MBA from U.C. Irvine. Appointed by President George W. Bush, Duong served from 2001 to 2003 as the Director of the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) and concurrently as Executive Director of The President's Advisory Commission on ...
applyingonlinewill acilitate asterreviewo yourapplication,andwe highlyrecommendthatyouusethisoption.UCDavisAdmissionsusesasel -managedapplicationprocesswhereyou collectmaterials,includingrecommendationsandtranscripts,andsubmitthemdirectlytoUCDavisGraduateSchoolo ManagementAdmissions. I youapplyusingouronlineapplication,...
ucdavis 分享45 堪培拉大学吧 超级留学生留学 堪培拉大学(西悉尼大学毕业证)简称"UC堪培拉大学(University of Canberra简称“UC”,是澳大利亚新兴综合类大学之一,英联邦大学协会成员,创建于1967年,位于澳大利亚的首都堪培拉。堪培拉大学因其在应用研究和教学方案上十分注重专业化的需要而声名显赫。 堪培拉大学... 分享11...
我的理解,你是全奖,系里会通过TA/RA/fellowship来资助你的学费和生活费。你2024 fall是通过fellowship...
这两个面试很集中,我凌晨5点面试Babson,然后晚上马不停蹄赶在deadline前把UC Davis的面试录了,累死本宝宝了。 Babson: 面试官是第二年的学生,很准时地出现,但是他说他设备问题,只能听声音,没有看到真人,所以我感觉比看到人要放松很多。连通以后首先告知,没看到其他资料,现在才看到简历,是blind面。