5、UCSB加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校 UC Santa Barbara 本科专业分布在三大本科学院里面 优势专业:生物化学与分子生物学、化学工程、计算机科学/工程等专业都相当出色。 College of Creative Studies College of Engineering ...
To give you a better sense for how this can enrich your college experience, we’ve compiled a list of undergraduate honors programs from top public and private universities across the nation. We've included admission profiles where available, program benefits, whether an extra application is requir...
The College of Environmental Design atUC Berkeleyoffers immersive summer programs that could help you decide if these creative fields are right for you. Whether you're a professional, undergraduate, or high school student,CED's Summer Programsoffer you an invaluable opportunity to explore architecture...
Davis (UC Davis) is a public research university and a member of the University of California system.- A member of the Association of American Universities, the Association of Pacific Rim Universities and the International Forum of Public Universities.- Renowned as a...
University of California, Davis | UC Davis Davis, California•Public Add to my list Overview Cost & scholarships Majors Admissions Essay prompt Your chances - Acceptance rate 49% Public school in California with 31,500 total undergraduate students Suburban Far West Medical school Commuter college ...
UC Davisis one of the world’s leading cross-disciplinary research and teaching universities, as well as one of the top public universities in the United States. Founded in 1908 as the University Farm, UC Davis offers 102 undergraduate majors, as well as 101 graduate programs, more than half...
The university, which offers more than 80 undergraduate majors, is divided into three colleges and four professional schools. Another claim to fame is the university’s recognition as the no. 1 school for Hispanic enrollment among selective universities. Learn more about UCR and your chances of ...
Similarly, academics are a major draw at UCLA, which offers more than 3,800 courses and 109 majors. With a total undergraduate enrollment of 31,577, UCLA is a great choice for students seeking a large school with plenty of activities and extracurriculars. Also like UC Berkeley, UCLA’s ...
There are 10 campuses, nine of which offer both undergraduate and graduate education: UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UCLA UC Merced UC Riverside UC San Diego UC San Francisco (graduate programs only) UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz The UC schools are large schools, typically with 20,000 or...