⏩Econ、 Math、Physics、Bio相关专业对于先修课程有最低 GPA要求 UCI 最低GPA 3.4+ UCD ⏩工程...
- Econ、 Math、Physics、Bio相关专业对于先修课程有最低 GPA要求 3、不参与TAG的专业 - Any major ...
- 所有专业都要求GPA达到 3.4+( 2023Fall结束时) - Econ、 Math、Physics、Bio相关专业对于先修课程有最低 GPA要求 3、不参与TAG的专业 - Any major in the College of Creative Studies - Any major in the College of Engineering (Chemical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Eng...
Depending on season slots fill up fast, so if you are interested, send me a message. Requests will queue up on a first-come first served basis.Course plans include a full major schedule for two years including general ed requirements. We also offer a White Glove service that provides extra...
- Econ、 Math、Physics、Bio相关专业对于先修课程有最低 GPA要求 3、不参与TAG的专业 - Any major in the College of Creative Studies - Any major in the College of Engineering (Chemical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering) ...
每个专业都有一个major catalog,上面有你这个专业在UC Davis的事项和course requirements,不过很长,一般不看。你也可以去major advisor领取course requirement forms和course recommendation forms,或是登陆MyDegree查询你的graduation requirements来看看你的专业所必须上的课程和必须满足的课程要求。 就算这样也依然纠结于上...
冲刺UCLA和UCB,GPA最少3.8+。像楼主想申请的Econ专业,建议保持3.9+。2. 课程规划 GPA4.0不是万能...
大部分的major courses会较为枯燥乏味,但有些GE course和electives还是很有趣的,所以大家可以互相参杂着上。 总体来说,UC Davis的学术氛围是严谨而友好的。严谨是说教授们对于学生的学术诚信是相当看重的;而友好是说学生们会互帮互助、互相激励、常常相互较高下的。也因此,大部分的UC Davis学生对自己的课业和未来是...
第一种是Major Requirement。第二种是Overall GPA。overall GPA比较好拿一般来说选水课刷刷就行了,这个...
- Econ、 Math、Physics、Bio相关专业对于先修课程有最低 GPA要求 3、不参与TAG的专业 - Any major in the College of Creative Studies - Any major in the College of Engineering (Chemical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering) ...