The UC Davis-Howard University Ecology and Evolution Graduate Admissions Pathways (EEGAP) program addresses this challenge via collaborations between faculty at the two institutions and a research co-mentoring program that brings Howard University undergraduates to UC Davis for summer research. Results/...
Landbird Demography and Community Structure Along an Urbanization Gradient in the Lake Tahoe Basin. Ph.D. dissertation, UC Davis Graduate Group in EcologySchlesinger MatthewDaniel
Clare Gupta, UC ANR / UC Davis Department of Human Ecology; Rose Hayden-Smith, UC ANR / UCOP, founding curator of the UC Food Observer; Peter Nico, LBNL Earth and Environmental Sciences; and Michael Roberts and Tiana Carriedo, UCLA School of Law Resnick Program for Food Law and Policy....
Davis are building fembots — and, no, we are not talking about theseductive killing machines from the Austin Powers movies. Instead, ecology professorGail Patricelli’s “fembots” are taxidermy birdrobotson wheels, designed to discover more about the mating habits of the survival-challenged...
School of Social Ecology School of Social Sciences 另外,优弗老师建议对于想去加州大学读商科的同学们: 加州大学的部分校区并不提供给本科学生商科学位和专业,比如大家最中意的加州大学之一UCLA就没有商科专业可选,同样的还包括UC San Diego, UC Davis,UC Santa Barbara, UC Santa Cruz。