其实,像UCB和UCLA的本科有上百个不同专业可供选择,但是超过近一半同学的申请都集中在个别相同专业上,如Econ, CS, Psychology等。对于申请人数较多的热门专业,录取率自然也会降低。如果竞争力不够去申请,可能会错失进入名校的机会。 UC转学高录取率专业 UC Berkeley 录取率超过40%的 American Studies 58% Philosophy...
2.加州大学洛杉矶分校(Los Angeles,UCLA) 3. 加州大学戴维斯分校(Davis,UCD) 4.加州大学圣地亚哥分校(San Diego,UCSD) 5.加州大学尔湾分校(Irvine,UCI) 6.加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校(Santa Barbara,UCSB) 7.加州大学默塞德分校(Merced,UCM) 8. 加州大学河滨分校(Riverside,UCR) 9. 加州大学圣克鲁兹分校(Santa Cr...
其实,像UCB和UCLA的本科有上百个不同专业可供选择,但是超过近一半同学的申请都集中在个别相同专业上,如Econ, CS, Psychology等。对于申请人数较多的热门专业,录取率自然也会降低。如果竞争力不够去申请,可能会错失进入名校的机会。 UC转学高录取率专业 UC Berkeley...
Psychology B.S. 心理学学士专业 心理学这两年也是非常大火的专业,有很多同学对这个专业很感兴趣,也有考虑过申报心理学。UC Irvine的psychology专业排名也是很不错的。 Discontinued专业 UC Irvine今年暂时还没有被discontinued的专业哦~ UC Los Angeles 新增专业 UCLA 今年秋季新增的只有一门,而且是English Department...
16. University of California, Davis 贴到我校为止。可以看出 UC Davis 给 Google 输送员工数量位列...
Student Administrative Assistant(离职员工)-Davis, CA-2013年7月3日 I worked the front desk of the Psychology department answering phone calls, students' questions, assisting faculty with all sort of administrative request. Assisted with the admissions process for the graduate program. ...
其实,像UCB和UCLA的本科有上百个不同专业可供选择,但是超过近一半同学的申请都集中在个别相同专业上,如Econ, CS, Psychology等。对于申请人数较多的热门专业,录取率自然也会降低。如果竞争力不够去申请,可能会错失进入名校的机会。 UC转学高录取率专业
The study was conducted by researchers from the University of California, Davis, and was published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B Journal. Dr. Mia Park, currently a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Biological Sciences Department at North Dakota State University, Fargo, led the team. Other ...
I enjoyed working at the UC Davis Center for Mind and Brain. I had my own workspace and it was a pleasure working with the friendly staff. I knew exactly what was expected of me and it was fun to work alongside psychology professors and graduate students. I learned a lot about being a...
Parallel Distributed Systems Lab. Department of Computer Science and Engineering. College of Engineering and Applied Science. Xeon and Xeon Phi. This lab is under the supervision of Dr. Gita Alaghband. And Dr. Ilkyeun Ra. Iris has received a summer internship at Los Alamos National Lab. Iris...