uc davis catalogRogério dos Santos AlvesAlex Soares de Souza, et all
每个专业都有一个major catalog,上面有你这个专业在UC Davis的事项和course requirements,不过很长,一般...
Unique to UC Davis Learn to brew beer! That’s right, you can learn the art of liquid bread! UC Davis has an entry level brewing class and even a Master’s in Brewing Science available. More unique programs Take a study break with a puppy!
Course offerings for Summer 2024 will be available beginning March 1. The complete list of course offerings can be viewed inSchedule Builderor via theClass Search Tool. Course descriptions are available in theUC Davis General Catalog. Course search To search for the most up-to-date courses, use...
https://www.lib.ucdavis.edu/bibflow Release of new EZID user interface. Source: Release of new EZID user interface CDL is pleased to announce the all-new EZID user. Boston University Libraries Choose Zepheira to Convert Catalog to Linked Data, Opening it to the Web. Source: Boston Univer...
2002–2003/2003–2004 UC Davis General CatalogProgram, The Major