本州学生的录取率从28%上升至32%,州外学生的录取率从33%上升至 39%。 (Source From:UC Admission) UCSC 加州大学圣克鲁兹分校 圣克鲁斯总体录取率从63%上升至65%,主要原因是申请人数增加了4%,录取率增加了8%。本州居民和州外申请人的录取率分别从60%上升至61%和从81%上升至82%,但国际申请人的录取率增长...
申请TAG成功后,在11月1日至11月30日间完成UC admission流程,提交渠道是 http://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/how-to-apply/apply-online 即使申请UC Davis的TAG不成功,或是没有签订TAG协议,还是可以正常申请UC Davis的regular transfer。 除了时间、专业上的硬性规定,TAG还有学分、成绩的要求。 还是以UC Da...
TAG的英文全称是Transfer Admission Guarantee,即保证转学录取。是UC体系下的六所本科四年制大学与加州一百多所社区大学之间签署的当学生GPA达到一定要求之后保证录取那些申请转入这几所学校的学生的协议。UC中参与TAG协议的六所学校分别是:加州大学戴维斯分校(UC Davis), 加州大学尔湾分校(UCI),加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校(U...
Automatic Admission for California Residents If you're a California resident, who meets at least one of the following two requirements, you will have a guaranteed spot at a UC school. You rank in the top 9% of California high school students, according to the UCadmissions index. ...
1. UC的申请deadline(11月30日)相比其他外州大U要早,不要等到最后一刻递交哦! 2. 另外,材料递交方面,UC转学申请过程中是不需要递交任何纸质材料的,包括成绩单,推荐信。UC的申请是不接受推荐信的,所以大家也不需要花时间去找教授要推荐信了,可以将这个精力放在其他方面上,比如文书修改。
Fall quarter TAGs must be submitted to UC Davis between September 1 and the postmark deadline of September 30, 2009. 3) We expect to be closed to winter 2011 TAGs. Students must use their full legal name on the TAG and the UC undergraduate admission application; consistent use and spelling...
DavisYesYes;reviewdeadlineAcceptedforfallquarteronly.Yes,providedallTAGrequirementsClosedtoUndeclaredprograms. Oct.15Filingperiod:Sept.1-30arecompleted.ApplicantstoLandscapeArchitecture(530)752-2971 areapprovedinapre-majorstatus (noguaranteetothemajor). ...
Fall quarter TAGs must be submitted to UC Davis between September 1 and the postmark deadline of September 30, 2009. 3) We expect to be closed to winter 2011 TAGs. Students must use their full legal name on the TAG and the UC undergraduate admission application; consistent use and spelling...