College of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences 人文、艺术、社会学院 College of Natural & Agricultural Sciences 自然与农学院 Graduate School of Education 研究生教育学院 School of Medicine 医学院 School of Public Policy 公共政策学院 Graduate Division 研究生院 UC转学申请,是一项长期坚持的任务,必须做好自己...
-工程学院College of Engineering - 文理学院 College of Letter and Science - 管理研究生院Graduate School of Management - 教育学院School of Education - 法学院School of Law - 医学院School of Medicine - 兽医学院School of Veterinary Medicine - 护理学院Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing 是世界生物农业...
研究生院:美术学院(Academy of Fine Arts)、Paul Merage商学院(Paul Merage School of Management)、社会学院(Social Sciences)、工程学院(Engineering)、人文学院(Humanities)、医学院(Medicine)、理学院(Science)、生物学院(College of ...
戴维斯的研究生院有Graduate school of Management,Graduate of Studies,另外还有School of Education,School of Law,School of Medicine,School of Nursing,School of Veterinary Medicine。Graduate of Studies是学科范围很广的学院,很多你想读的专业,比如说应用数学、生物统计、计算机等等这些专业,都在这个大类里边。
研究生院:美术学院(Academy of Fine Arts)、Paul Merage商学院(Paul Merage School of Management)、社会学院(Social Sciences)、工程学院(Engineering)、人文学院(Humanities)、医学院(Medicine)、理学院(Science)、生物学院(College of Biological Sciences)等 主要科系:管理(Management)、人文(Humanities)、美术(Arts)...
College of Letter and Science; 管理学院 Graduate School of Management; 教育学院 School of Education; 法学院 School of Law; 医学院 School of Medicine; 护理学院 Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing; 其中最有知名度的是农业与环境科学学院,...
生物科学学院College of Biological Science; 工程学院College of Engineering; 文理学院College of Letter and Science; 管理学院Graduate School of Management; 教育学院School of Education; 法学院School of Law; 医学院School of Medicine; ...
This question applies if you have taken a gap year. It is designed to show the Admissions Committee how you’ve spent time off from college. It also allows you to explain if you have had another career and are moving toward medicine. ...
文理学院College of Letter and Science; 管理学院Graduate School of Management; 教育学院School of Education; 法学院School of Law; 医学院School of Medicine; 护理学院Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing; 其中最有知名度的是农业与环境科学学院,最热门的专业则是全美排名第一的是兽医学veterinary science。