按照红框中的顺序,逐一填写即可。 在这部分的 College courses taken in high school 的模块下,可以添加暑校等学习经历,增加你的申请竞争力。 以北京交通大学GSS国际暑期学校项目为例,GSS的学员可以按下图进行填写信息。 Step.1 添加夏校 添加完夏校可以进行预览~ Step.2 添加课程 4标化成绩 Test Scores 主要填写...
1.优先解决数学和英语课程大部分社区大学都有入学测试,检验学生的数学和英语水平。不管入学时这两门课程的等级如何,在申请转学时,都要确保你最终上完College Writing等级的2节英语课,以及最少一节Transferable的数学课。UC有的分校会要求学生在入学第一年的秋季学期结束前完成英语和数学课程,所以我们必须抓紧时间优先解决。
If you're applying to one or more of the UC schools, you want to make sure you get the application right.This step-by-step guide will walk you through everything you need to know about the UC application,from the time you decide to apply to a UC school to when you submit the final...
9.1-9.30之间填写tag协议,并在TAP系统提交(网址:https://uctap.universityofcalifornia.edu/students/index.cfm) 10.1-11.30提交加州大学申请(网址:https://apply.universityofcalifornia.edu/my-application/login) 1月份可以更新报告所有最终秋季成绩,并更新/确定2024...
UC College-Conservatory of Music Oct. 31-Nov. 2 Patricia Corbett Theater [University Heights] Directed by Brian Robertson Guest conducted by Gary Wedow If you’re falling in love with the new girl gardener, make sure she’s not your estranged wife first. A musical chairs approach to romance...
加州大学是美国最好的公立大学,尤其是UCB、UCLA世界排名前列,因此加州大学申请门槛还是比较高的,如果成绩一般又想入读加州大学,不妨先读个社区大学,然后转入加州大学,这样成功率更高一些,下面未思教育(usukoffer)就给大家详细介绍一下。首先介绍一下什么是社区大学。社区大学(Community College,简称CC)为美国...
④网络申请表,官网提交一份Application Form,将你的基本情况递交到学校进行审核。 2.申请流程 大部分社区大学的秋季、春季都开放招生。最少在截止日期前一个月提前准备好上文提到的材料。 一般递交申请表和材料后,会在一周左右收到社区大学的邮件告知你录取结果。
and first-generation college status (as determined by information received at the time of initial admission to UcSan Diego) Majors with selective status- for all students: School of Biological Sciences Data Science Public Health Jacobs School of Engineering- all majors in these departments:Bioengineeri...
The UC application can be pretty intimidating!We'llwalk you through how to apply to UC schools, step by step. The University of California isn't the only major college system in the state! Cal State schools also offer students excellent educations.We'll teach you everything you need to kn...
To give you a better sense for how this can enrich your college experience, we’ve compiled a list of undergraduate honors programs from top public and private universities across the nation. We've included admission profiles where available, program benefits, whether an extra application is requir...