The installation process is fast and simple, just like the program. You can run the UC Browser APK for Android devices, or download the .exe file for Windows computers. Extra tools This program lacks a few essentials, but it has a few tricks up its sleeve. It comes with a unique downlo...
UC Browser WP8 app is probably the best browser that you can use on your Windows Phone. The following are some highlights of the UC Browser app. 1. Different Browsing Modes It has a convenient way to access your favorite sites with just a tap. You can browse in full-screen mode, and ...
UC Browser started life as a web browser designed for mobile devices and became so popular that you can now download a version you can use on your Windows computer too. Anytime that you want to go online, you need both an internet connection and a web browser. Though some stick to class...
公司名称:UC浏览器 外文名称:UC Browser 公司官网: 地址:北京市海淀区成府路28号优盛大厦A座12层 电话:010-59610022 邮编:100083UC浏览器介绍及软件下载UC浏览器是UC优视的核心产品,拥有独创的U3内核和云端架构,是中国移动浏览器NO.1.UC浏览器覆盖了Android、iOS、Windows Phone、Symbian等...
电脑端访问: 手机端访问: iPhone或WP系统的手机请到手机中的应用商店下载安装。若您的手机支持JAVA,可以安装JAVA版UC浏览器: ...
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外文名:UC Browser 应用类别:工具 开发商:UC Mobile Limited 应用平台:iOS、Android、Windows Phone等 软件特点 全球主流的第三方手机浏览器,UC浏览器为全球移动互联网用户提供聪明智能的手机上网服务。目前已覆盖Android、iOS、Windows等主流移动操作系统, 200多个著名品牌、超过3000款手机及平板电脑终端均可使用,并于...
uc浏览器的英文名是UC Browser。UC浏览器是首款基于大数据分析用户兴趣,为用户提供个性化阅读体验的手机浏览器,具有资讯阅读、小说阅读、视频播放、网站导航、搜索、下载、个人数据管理等功能。UC浏览器全球用户已超过5亿,日活跃用户突破1亿,是阿里巴巴移动事业部旗下核心产品。UC浏览器现已覆盖了Android...
uc浏览器可以说是国内用户量最大的手机浏览器,在安卓系统还未兴起手机系统以java为主流的年代UC浏览器凭借着其强力的支持HTML5技术迅速占据了国内手机浏览器的半壁江山,虽然现在安卓系统上的浏览器众多不过UC浏览器始终占据着很大的一片份额。UC浏览器还覆盖了Symbian、IOS、Windows Phone、Windows Mobile、Win CE、Java...