UC Admission Logjam Concerns Board of RegentsRichman, Josh
UC Board of Regents approves military equipment for some campuses following protestsThe UC Board of Regents approved new military equipment for some of its campus police departments just as the new school year begins.Sept 20, 2024 embed code copied ...
即便他的 GPA 超过 3.5,大学理事会(College Board)通过可汗学院提供的免费在线辅导课程也不能帮他提高测试分数。 加州大学终于给出了最重要反馈。5 月21 日,加大官宣将在未来五年逐步淘汰 SAT/ACT,并在五年后也就是 2025 年推出加大系统单独的入学测试。这项决议获得了加大评议会(Board of Regents)23:0 全票通...
UCLA could pay the University of California at Berkeley $10 million a year for three years instead of six as a result of the Bruins' upcoming move to the Big Ten and the demise of the Pac-12. The University of California Board of Regents special committee on athletics...
Once tuition spikes for an incoming class, it would stay flat for six years for that class — allowing students to more reliably calculate the multi-year cost of a degree. The UC Board of Regents will vote Thursday on a tuition-hike plan two years in the works that was initially deraile...
The policy was approved Thursday in response to California state's Budget Act of 2016, which called for the UC Board of Regents to limit the number of undergraduate nonresidents as a condition for receiving 18.5 million dollars to support the enrollment of an additional 2,500 California resident...
加州大学终于给出了最重要反馈。5 月21 日,加大官宣将在未来五年逐步淘汰 SAT/ACT,并在五年后也就是 2025 年推出加大系统单独的入学测试。这项决议获得了加大评议会(Board of Regents)23:0 全票通过。 根据计划,加州大学将在未来 5 年进行如下操作: ...
5月21日,加州大学理事会(University of California Board of Regents)投票全体一致同意通过议案,决定在未来五年内逐步停止使用SAT/ACT大学入学考试,准备研发UC系统独立的入学考试。 如果新研发的入学考试在2025年秋季入学前未达到具体标准,UC系统将免除加州学生的标化考试要求。
然而可别高兴的太早,要想通过这个方案还是有重重阻碍的!首先要得到制定大学招生政策的Academic Senate的批注, 然后再由UC Board of Regents,也就是UC的董事会批准,这项政策才可以付诸实施。 而且,正如UC的发言人Stephanie Beechem所说,Napolitano校长这项机会才刚刚被校方所讨论,尚未有一个定论。但她表示,不管怎么说...