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r Student Assaulted Berkeley: UC Campus Police Urge Safety after Student AssaultedBerkeley: UC Campus Police Urge Safety after Student AssaultedKelly, George
UC Berkeley student dies in fall from dormitoryChris De Benedetti
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University of California Berkeley,UCB 加州大学洛杉矶分校: University of California Los Angeles,UCLA 加州大学圣地亚哥分校: University of California San Diego,UCSD 加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校: University of California Santa Barbara,UCSB 加州大学旧金山分校: ...
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你的个人陈述应当能够让审稿人在读完后它感受到——你,是属于UC Berkeley的。你可以重复你在研究计划(Research Statement)中陈述过的经历,此外,那些能够显示你的承诺、你的主动性、以及在困难面前,依旧能够坚持不懈的任何经历都可以写在这里。 这是一个展示你沟通技巧的好机会,也是论述你拥有可以最大限度地、且有效...
Student Profile Freshmen Transfer What we look for in Berkeley students Here at UC Berkeley we conduct what is known asholistic review. That means, we review each application in its entirety, word by word, page by page. We literally hug your application!