Enrollment for Summer 2024 opens February 1 About Summer Sessions What type of student are you?Berkeley Summer Sessions enrollment is open to everyone ― current UCB students, other UC students, visitors from other US colleges, international students, newly admitted UCB transfer students and freshmen...
2.选课 学校在选课方面的自由度高吗?规定要上的core curriculum是什么样的?比较热门的课是不是可能抢...
I am an associate professor at UC Irvine as of March 2022. I have been a professor at UNC Chapel Hill and Stony Brook University, cofounded a startup, Shopagon, and worked in FAIR at Meta. My PhD was completed at U.C. Berkeley withJitendra Malik, and I have had the chance to work...
According to recent research out of UC Berkeley and New York University, these MLLM deficiencies might be caused by visual representation issues. Join the Fastest Growing AI Research Newsletter Read by Researchers from Google + NVIDIA + Meta...
UC Law SF院长David Faigman说,在上周为该校部分新生举办的orientation上,只要提到哈里斯,就会引起一片赞赏之声,这表明学生们对这位校友入主白宫的前景充满了期待。 Faigman表示,他预计UC Law SF与哈里斯作为总统候选人的联系能为学校的声誉带来更大幅度的提升。 UC Law SF发言人John Kepley说,大量申请者的涌入将...
The new statistics are only the latest fallout of the UC regents’ ban on affirmative action, which ended consideration of race and gender in graduate and professional school admissions this year. In June, UC’s law schools reported diminishing minority enrollment--at UC Berkeley’s Boalt Hall ...
大家可以先来看一下这两所学校的简单介绍:UCB 坐落于加州北部伯克利市,是美国历史上自由主义和社会运动...