南加州大学MBA硕士 Kevin:Given the increasingly challenging admission process at top UCs like Berkeley and UCLA, it's inevitable that students should steer clear of applying directly to High Demand Majors. Statistically speaki...
https://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/campuses-majors/berkeley/ 由此可见,UC已经启动大幅转向,对于外州/国际学生,从原来扩招,转为大幅减少,替换为加州本地学生。 总体而言,拉丁裔、亚裔、黑人和美洲原住民学生的申请和录取率都有所增加,而白人和太平洋岛民的申请和录取率则有所下降。 国际生才是应该流泪的...
申请人数的分母在增加,且学校录取的分子在减少,这意味着更加激烈的竞争。 以上数据均来源于UC系统官网,如果想查询更多学校信息可以登陆:https://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/campuses-majors/berkeley/ 国际生才是应该流泪的… 如果...
UC Berkeley is among the more selective universities in the country, becoming more competitive each ...
University of California,Berkeley 2025 U.S.News全美综排Top 17 相比UCLA的录取均衡,伯克利不同专业的录取率差距还是非常大的。而且有些专业不但录取率高,录取人数也可观,很适合“捡漏”。以下6点申请Tips需注意: 1.完全在预料之中,伯克利申请竞争最激烈的是计算机科学类专业,将近1万人申请,仅录取375人,录取率4.16...
UC Berkeley is among the more selective universities in the country, becoming more competitive each year. Due to student demand, selectivity varies among Colleges, and—in the College of Engineering—among majors;for example, it is more difficult to gain admission to the Electrical Engineering and...
以上数据均来源于UC系统官网,如果想查询更多学校信息可以登陆:https://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/campuses-majors/berkeley/ 2 国际生的录取率 如果你想问在如此严峻的申请情况下谁是最大的赢家,那我一定会毫不犹豫地回答你:加州本州学生。作为公立校,为本州的学生和家庭服务是他们的首要任务。 UCLA州...
Architecture Majors Transferring to uc berkeleyI. Voice Majors Music majors with vocal study as theirEnv Des Introduction to |arch
UC Berkeley offers dozens of majors, and students matriculating there pursue a wide number of subjects. Here is a list of some of the top programs: [leadmagnet_two] Social Sciences Engineering Biological and Biomedical Sciences Now, how are you going to pay for this? UC Berkeley Tuition ...
UCB位于Berkeley市区内,学校和城市的联系比较紧密,学校有部分设施位于硅谷内。 优点:无容置疑伯克利是学术界的佼佼者,声誉地位媲美斯坦福,尤其在基础学科,例如数理化和人文社科上位居前列。 缺点:住宿比较紧张,由于在市区,治安也是要注意的问题。 校园特点: