夹带一下私货,强烈推荐Fernholz的Fundamental of U.S. Law和Kaiser教的Silicon Valley Antitrust。前者是LL.M.的必修课,而这位教授也是本学期大家心目中的男神老师。后者嘛,则是我这学期最享受的一门课。老师是德国的PhD,来Berkeley念了个LL.M.,如今在 Latham & Watkins当Par,自己是个技术宅,讲课的时候各种程序...
北京科技大学,GPA3.81/4(均分89.1);UC Berkeley 学期交换,GPA 3.6/4;一段助研,四段实习,...
You get on the ALL the waitlist and write appeal letters to those schools and tell them how much you love the school. We know you want the College Application process to be settled by now, but some students may not be settled until June or July, because of Waitlist. Super Tuesday on ...
Doreen E. Lilienfeld
Christopher Edley, Dean of UC Berkeley's Law School, Will Lecture at UC Santa Barbara on Educational Reform. This paper views tertiary language learners' gaining a sense of cultural belonging and an awareness of intercultural communication through three prisms: (i......
Campus life at UC Berkeley In addition to skill-building and friendships, each iD Tech camp offers students the valuable opportunity of exploring a prestigious university campus. At UC Berkeley, this includes chowing down in the Crossroads Dining Hall alongside future tech disruptors, taking in campu...
A pro-Israel group put up a controversial billboard on Friday morning outside UC Berkeley's law school graduation.
Welcome to BCG at UC Berkeley Haas School of Business! Explore BCG events on campus, reach out to recruiting contacts, and learn about the application process.
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