像CMU每年EE专业选CS课程的难度是越来越高了,本来最开始的几年,是随便选CS课程,到后来基本上是不给EE同学批CS的课程了,核心课程只能从本方向里选,否则不算或少算进毕业学分里。比如说UC Berkeley的MENG,四门核心课只能有一节选修课,像这种EE专业转CS就非常不友好。 当然也有很多学校对EE专业选CS课比较友好的,...
北京科技大学,GPA3.81/4(均分89.1);UC Berkeley 学期交换,GPA 3.6/4;一段助研,四段实习,...
Page 1 of 18The Writing Center: Writing a Grad School Personal StatementGraduate School - Statement Graduate and professional schools often require some sort of written statement as a part of the application. The terminology differs, but may include "statement of purpose," "personal statement," "...
加州大学伯克利分校UC Berkeley教育研究生院Education, Graduate School Of课程辅导/教育研究生院课程设置 我们的研究、教学和实践方法支持公共教育愿景,其目标是在各个层面(课堂、学校、社区、地区、州、国家和全球)实现公平和包容,并对个人成长和社会转型产生积极影响. 我们著名的教师让学生参与理论和实践研究,提供机会发...
The undergraduate admission application deadlines are in the fall and winter of a student’s senior year of high school. As a part of the University of California system, UC Berkeley participates in the UC Application. This is the only way for a prospective student to apply to UC Berkeley....
lower division,upper division和graduate的课其实只要教授同意,你都可以上。或者想把lower division的课...
David Barstow leads the Investigative Reporting Program at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism. He is a former senior writer at The New York Times and the first reporter to ever win four Pulitzer Prizes. View faculty profile Bernice Yeung ...
Private School Test Prep College Life Graduate School Business School Law School View More By Allen Grove Updated on May 26, 2020 University of California, Merced is a public university with an acceptance rate of 72%. Considering applying to UC Merced? Here are the admissions statistics...
The University of California Berkeley is a large public university with an acceptance rate of 16.8%. This makes the school one of the most selective public institutions in the country. Considering applying to UC Berkley? Here are the admissions statistics you should know, including average SAT/...