像CMU每年EE专业选CS课程的难度是越来越高了,本来最开始的几年,是随便选CS课程,到后来基本上是不给EE同学批CS的课程了,核心课程只能从本方向里选,否则不算或少算进毕业学分里。比如说UC Berkeley的MENG,四门核心课只能有一节选修课,像这种EE专业转CS就非常不友好。 当然也有很多学校对EE专业选CS课比较友好的,...
第二步,熟悉专业要求,草拟专业完成计划表 UC伯克利所有本科学位课程和专业要求列表,可以访问本科学位课程指南Undergraduate Degree ProgramsGuide https://guide.berkeley.edu/undergraduate/degree-programs/ 一般专业顾问会给你一张专业完成计划表,以方便你规划课程。再结合ASSIST上查到的课程清单,你快就能填好专业完成计划...
The Investigative Reporting Program at UC Berkeley's Graduate School of Journalism is a nonprofit newsroom and teaching institute led by four-time Pulitzer Prize winner David Barstow. Through the IRP, Berkeley Journalism students gain real-world experience under expert guidance. Our professional staff ...
Berkeley to increase research opportunities for students committed to pursuing careers in the sciences and biotechnology. This program provides outstanding science undergraduates with research experience and increases participants’ competitiveness as candidates for admission to prestigious graduate and professional...
community and resource for students who may feel overwhelmed or isolated in their departments, and as a result may fall behind in their programs. It’s a solid place to unite UC Berkeley’s scientific community to share experiences and manage the transition from undergraduate to graduate studies....
在昨天的“CS这么火,要具备什么条件才能申请到顶级学校?”一文中讯哥也提到了加州伯克利大学,在CS专业上,UC-Berkeley与斯坦福、MIT以及CMU实力相当,并列学科第一。由此可见,UC-Berkeley确实是一所文商与理工实力兼具的牛校。 今天讯哥给大家整理了一下UC-Berkeley的硕博项目信息,有意向的同学,自提哦~~ ...
The online Master of Information and Data Science (MIDS) program is preparing the next generation of experts and leaders in the data science field and providing students with a UC Berkeley education without having to relocate. Students graduate with connections to UC Berkeley’s extensive alumni net...
UC Berkeley graduate keeps Bay Area kids well suppliedHannah Dreier
All Students Rising Above scholars inspire others with their resiliency and courage. But Angie Ngo has taken both to a whole new level.
[5]Visual Computing and Computer Graphics:https://eecs.berkeley.edu/node/389 [6]Graduate Research Program Admissions:https://eecs.berkeley.edu/academics/graduate/research-programs/admissions [7]伯克利人工智能研究实验室(BAIR):http://bair.berkeley.edu/ ...