三人后续都加入伯克利人工智能研究(BAIR)实验室;其中高阳和吴翼都是2014年到伯克利读博,许华哲是2016年;陈建宇在UC Berkeley机械工程系,在机械系统控制实验室(MSC Lab)读博,师从美国国家工程院院士、机电控制学科先驱Masayoshi Tomizuka教授,主要参与无人驾驶项目。
The steps are the same regardless of which UC school(s) you're applying tosince all UC schools use the same application (and you only need to submit one application, even if you apply to other UC schools in addition to Berkeley. Below is an overview of how to apply to Berkeley. For ...
credit awarded by exam, and college courses taken during high school.Transfer coursework must be co...
Yet statistics provided by UC Berkeley officials on Friday showed that these rejected students actually had, on average, higher grade-point averages and more semesters of honors and AP courses than the students with SATs in the 600 to 1000 range who were accepted. Students, parents and high ...
Berkeley within two years of matriculation; this compares favorably with the 71% four-year graduation rate for students entering as freshmen. The following information will guide you through the admission process. Because more transfer students apply to our ...
Tax Credit a Nonstarter for Electric Cars; A Recent Study by Researchers at UC-Berkeley Reports That More Than 90 Percent of the Tax Subsidies Provided by Average Americans for Electric Vehicles Benefit Only the Top Quintile of Earners. [Derived Headline]...
比如数学建模等,拿到比较好的奖项。文书上,就是一定要陈述清楚,转学的原因+WHY School部分。