像CMU每年EE专业选CS课程的难度是越来越高了,本来最开始的几年,是随便选CS课程,到后来基本上是不给EE同学批CS的课程了,核心课程只能从本方向里选,否则不算或少算进毕业学分里。比如说UC Berkeley的MENG,四门核心课只能有一节选修课,像这种EE专业转CS就非常不友好。 当然也有很多学校对EE专业选CS课比较友好的,...
Berkeley周边的town会有一个比较大的shopping mall,有宜家、优衣库、苹果啥的都有。另一个town的话会有一个比较大的中国城(有鲜芋仙)。再远一点的话也可以去旧金山,有很多很好玩的地方。比如旧金山的咖啡馆,海边和有轨电车之类的,真的很理想。我觉得虽然Berkeley有点村,但周边玩的东西的话还是挺多的。 UCLA 22...
computer-sciencemitcurriculumstanfordself-learninguc-berkeley UpdatedFeb 16, 2021 Charmve/OpenCS-Courses Sponsor Star69 Code Issues Pull requests 🎓 Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science! computer-scienceopen-sourcemachine-learningmitcurriculumartificial-intelligenceharvardcarnegie-mellon-...
Amanda Ott
4. 非常讨厌商科的课,presentation,accounting,communication之类的 5. 只考虑博士,想多做些时间做research,多上technical的课 生活 学校附近有公交,学生免费。Berkeley北边临近的城市可以搭Bart地铁上课,要钱。学附近以及北边城市住宿公寓有室友的一般一个人1200-1600一个月,愿意睡客厅会更便宜。Studio一般2000+。学校北...
Berkeley Global’sCertificate Programme in Accountingwas the obvious choice. Source: University of California Berkeley Global “I’ve always thought about pursuing my Certified Public Accountant (CPA) designation, but in order to get the prerequisites to sit for the exam, I would have to get the...
https://alumni.berkeley.edu/ California High-Speed Rail Authority Open Roles: Several Satate positons http://www.HSR.CA.Gov Central California Alliance for Health Open Roles: Care Coordination Social Worker Concurrent Review Nurse (RN) Cultural and Linguistics Program Advisor ...
The Haas School of Business at the University of California at Berkeley this summer plans to leap online with the introduction of three pilot digital courses that will make use of cutting-edge technology to teach students outside of the traditional classroom. One class is a prerequisite for the...
B. 即使提供商科学位和专业的校区,也不提供金融,会计这样的专业方向,比如加州大学的带头大哥UC Berkeley,其提供给学生的专业只有Business Administration,同时该Business Administration专业只是针对大三转学学生,所以大一新生申请时只能选择文理学院下面的Undeclared—Pre-Business Administration。
Free online courses at Stanford - UC berkeley 發行項 2012/01/23 OK, so I ran across some nice free online classes offered at Stanford. This semeser, the university offers the following free courses:Introduction to Databases: www.db-class.com Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: www.ai...