4、如何获得 PIQ 主题的灵感与想法 加州大学的活动列表是获取灵感的源点,它将为PIQ提供最佳的主题。学生应在第一时间完成活动列表的创建及填写。在完成活动列表之后,学生应根据过往的活动列表挑选4~5个PIQ题目,确定主题,以实现全面展示自我的目的。以下是一些关于PIQ主题选择的例子和建议。 5、过往学生选择的PIQ题目...
This PIQcould have worked for a variety of prompts: He certainly demonstratesleadershipby supporting his family, so he could’ve used it for the UC 1. Alternately, he could have also emphasized thecreativityhe developed while on the job (see: UC 2). Or maybe he could have described a “...
Talking about one campus: You’re talking to all UC campuses you apply to in your responses. (Unless you apply to only one UC school, don’t make your responses school-specific. All the UC schools you’ve applied to will read your PIQ responses.) Inappropriate use of humor Creative writi...
The order in which the prompts are written depends only on you, and you can turn this in your favor. If certain UC PIQ prompts came out best for you, and this is the topic that is sure to attract attention, then feel free to put it at the very beginning. What UC PIQs are best t...
什么是加州大学个人洞察力问题Personal Insight Question (PIQ) Prompts? 首先,加州大学将这些申请文书问题称为 "个人洞察力问题"(Personal Insight Question,PIQ),而不是 "个人陈述"。这提示着我们PIQ问题与平时在课堂中创作的论文非常不同,应该与通常的大学个人陈述(Personal Statement)做区别对待。学生将选择4个题目...