English language proficiency tests:可以填写的包括托福,雅思,Duolingo,ACT 和 SAT 的阅读写作部分,一样可以填写预计考试。 【第五部分:Activities & awards】 这部分主要填写 9-12 年级做的活动和获得的奖项,对于 UC 的申请非常重要。活动和奖项一共可以填写 20 个,类型包括:奖项与荣誉、学术准备项目、课外活动、...
English language proficiency tests:可以填写的包括托福,雅思,Duolingo,ACT 和 SAT 的阅读写作部分,一样可以填写预计考试。 【第五部分:Activities & awards】 这部分主要填写 9-12 年级做的活动和获得的奖项,对于 UC 的申请非常重要。活动和奖项一共可以...
后面的“community service”,“Work Experience”, “Awards &Honors”分别如上填写在高中阶段所参加的社区活动,实习,得奖情况等。需要注意的是最后一项“Extracurricular Activities”, 这并不是和课程有关的活动,更多类似课外活动等,比如足球社团,音乐社团等。具体填写的页面如下图 首先是活动的名称,这个名称不用特别...
The application explains which activities fall into which category, and there's no need to feel like you need to have activities to put in all the categories, or even most of them. For each category, you can add up to five separate classes/activities/jobs/awards/etc. Scholarships & Program...
最新变化:There’s a new feature you’ll notice on this page: Tool tips. When a blue “i” icon is present students can hover over it for more information. These tips will add more context to help students complete that question or section of the application. 注意带i的小蓝点,增加了提醒...
首先第一步自然是去UC的官网啦,所有UC分校的申请都是在UC Application这个网站上填写的,一次填写搞定9分校的申请!http://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/how-to-apply/apply-online/index.html填写这份申请前还请各位同学准备好自己的成绩单,资产证明,各种奖项证明等必要文件。打开网站,在网页的右上角有个紫色...
Use the non A-G coursework section within Activities & Awards to help us understand other courses you may be taking. This includes Leadership, Yearbook, Physical Education, etc. Under the Additional Comments box in Academic History, be sure to tell me anything more that I need to know about...
Getting a bad grade (you can put this in the 550-character “Academic History” section of the application) Another tip: If you’re considering writing about something from this second list, ask yourself: Is there adifferentUC prompt that might help me more effectively address one of the poi...
This section is completely optional.UC emphasizes that this section is not meant to be used as a continuation of your PIQ responses.Instead, this section should only be used if you need to:Clarify important details in your application (honors, awards, activities). Share information about unusual...
When you start the regular application in Oct/Nov, you may then transfer all this info over so you don’t need to re-input. It is in the Regular application were you will be adding Personal Insight essays and extra-curricular activities....