大家可以使用这一在线软件了解更多学术诚信的相关知识和准则,避免被认为抄袭。 网址:https://www.canberra.edu.au/current-students/canberra-students/student-support/study-skills/academic-integrity-module-information 开放的在线学习资源 UC同时也提供一系列开放的在线资源供大家下载,这些资源会教大家各种学习小窍门,比...
FINANCIAL AID NOTE: UCSD students need a total of 6 units minimum throughout all Summer Sessions to be eligible for Summer Aid. Non UCSD students should contact their home campus Financial Aid Office. ACADEMIC RIGOR NOTE: The majority of classes in the summer are the same you will find durin...
Self-Reliance, Collaboration, and Academic IntegrityThis course requires a lot of experimentation and trial-and-error. Google and StackOverflow will be your best friends! Google your questions, Google any error messages, and if you can't find an answer, talk to your classmates, and if you ...
Then, the number of positive cells and the total number of cells in each section were quantified using Indica Labs—HighPlex FL V3.1.0 module in Halov3.0.311.314 analysis software, and the positive rate was calculated (100%) [47]. 4.12. RNA Preparation and Quantitative Real-Time PCR ...