英国标准型钢 UB UC UniversalColumn..BS4:Part11993 DimensionsandProperties Designation Massperm 356x406x634356x406x551356x406x467356x406x393356x406x340356x406x287356x406x235356x368x202356x368x177356x368x153356x368x129305x305x283305x305x240305x305x198305x305x158305x305x137305x305x118305x305x97254...
152x152x23 23 152.4 152.2 5.8 6.8 7.6 123.6 29.2 1250 400 6.54 3.7 164 52.6 182 80.2 Designation Mass Depth Width Thickness of Root Depth Area Second Moment Radius Section(Elastic) Plastic per of of Web Flange Radius between of Area of Gyration Modulus Modulus ...