“wget:unable to resolve host address”的产生原因为host地址无法解析。解决方案: 使用root权限,修改文件/etc/resolv.conf,增加如下两行: nameserver nameserver
通过Device Tool进行OpenHarmony源码设备开发,点击ToolChain界面中的Setup按钮安装软件(或者点击Build执行 bash ./prebuilt_download.sh,亦或者执行sudo apt-get install xxx安装软件时),出现报错信息提示"unable to resolve host address 'xxx.xxx.xxx'" 解决方法: 出现这个问题,主要是当前需要使用的网址无法被解析导致...
添加谷歌的DNS 和8.8.4.4 图上注释掉的“#nameserver”为老的DNS记录,添加好新的DNS记录后,使用快捷键“CTRL + X”保存文件,->弹出确认消息后,选择y,->出现file name to write:/etc/resolv.conf->回车。 ③.有一些文件会自动修改DNS服务器,我们把这些文件进行锁定。使用如下的代码进行...
添加谷歌的DNS 和8.8.4.4 图上注释掉的“#nameserver”为老的DNS记录,添加好新的DNS记录后,使用快捷键“CTRL + X”保存文件,->弹出确认消息后,选择y,->出现file name to write:/etc/resolv.conf->回车。 ③.有一些文件会自动修改DNS服务器,我们把这些文件进行锁定。使用如下的代码进行...
运行apt-get install xx提示unable to resolve host的解决办法 1. 如果ubuntu通过sudo apt-get install xx的时候一直提示: sudo:unable to resolve host sutai-6 2. 问题原因: /etc/hosts和/etc/hostname两个文件中的主机名不一致 3. 主机名的获取: ...
【pycharm】Unable to save settings: Failed to save settings. Please restart PyCharm解决 2019-12-15 21:43 −1.Unable to save settings: Failed to save settings. Please restart PyCharm解决 将工程的.idea目录删掉,重启pycharm即可。 2.error:please select a valid Python in... ...
INFO- wget: unable to resolve host address 'software.virtualmin.com' FATAL - fatal error occured: failed to download http://software.virtualmin.com/lib/apt.conf.noninteractive. FATAl - Cannot continue installation any idea what address the download page should be? thanks FATA ERROR #25 Mon, ...
sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu One moment, checking your subscription first This will install the FIPS packages. The Livepatch service will be unavailable. Warning: This action can take some time and cannot be undone. Are you sure? (y/N) y ...
UbuntuERROR: sudo: unable toresolvehostubuntu: Name or service not known ubuntu系统报错:sudo: unable toresolvehostubuntu: Name or service not known检查一下,ubuntu@ubuntu:~/mc$ cat /etc/hostnameubuntuubuntu@ubuntu:~/mc$ cat /etc/hosts127.0.0.1 localhost# The following lines are desirable for...
When I try to clone from https addresses, libgit2 fails. The message I get when I print out the git_error struct is: 12: Failed to resolve address for https: Name or service not known I'm getting this error when I use the system libgit2 package (Ubuntu 16.04) and when I build ...