在Linux下用lua调用 file.copy 失败记录,调用 关系 file.copy => dir.copyfile=》dir.file_op=》execute_command。 在里面 execute_command 函数有个创建临时文件的功能,临时文件用来临时保存执行命令后的信息,如果由于系统原因创建临时文件失败,那么执行复制文件就出错了。 swap file “*.swp“ already exists!的...
vi .envor vi <any file name that starts with a “.” that means it’s a hidden file> Error: Swap file .env.swp already exists or Swap file xxx already exists Solution: ls -A(This will show you if a .swp file really existd) rm .filename.swp(This will delete the .swp file wh...
Fixing “Ubuntu ACPI Error: AE_ALREADY_EXISTS” The error indicates that there is an attempt to create an ACPI object or resource that is already present. Numerous things, including as kernel problems, ACPI BIOS errors, and hardware compatibility difficulties, may cause it. The troubleshooting ste...
1. 禁止swap分区 主要有两种方式:暂时禁止和永久禁止 暂时禁止: sudo swapoff -a 1. 永久禁止: sudo vi /etc/fstab # /etc/fstab: static file system information. # # Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a # device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way ...
ERROR: default sources list file already exists: /etc/ros/rosdep/sources.list.d/20-default.list...
5. Create (or edit if already exists)/etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resumewith the swap UUID and resume offset. Next, we need to edit (or create if it doesn't exist) the/etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resumefile with a text editor as root. Use the command below to open this file with ...
1,禁止swap分区 K8s的要求,确保禁止掉swap分区,不禁止,初始化会报错。 在每个宿主机上执行: sudo swapoff -a #修改/etc/fstab,注释掉swap那行,持久化生效 sudo vi /etc/fstab 1. 2. 3. 2,确保时区和时间正确 时区设置 sudo timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Shanghai ...
EBUSY (for swapon()) The specified path is already being used as a swap area. EINVAL The file path exists, but refers neither to a regular file nor to a block device; EINVAL (swapon()) The indicated path does not contain a valid swap signature or resides on an in-memory filesystem ...
If you did this already, delete the swap file "/etc/apt/.sources.list.swp" to avoid this message. Swap file "/etc/apt/.sources.list.swp" already exists! [O]pen Read-Only, (E)dit anyway, (R)ecover, (D)elete it, (Q)uit, (A)bort: @TheCoolCyrus Press D or E. @mediageni ...
Edit thehostsfile. $sudo vim /etc/hosts The contents of the host’s file must look like this: localhost docker-nakivo21 Restart the machine. $init 6 Disable a swap file Using a swap file (swap partition) is not supported by Kubernetes and disabling swappiness is neces...