最近开始启动Ubuntu20.04时提示的信息如下: Low Disk Space on “Filesystem root” The volume “Filesystem root” has only 542.5MB diskspace remaining. 那么该怎么处理呢,提高文件系统的磁盘容量即可。 首先在Vmware中进行拓展容量进行操作。 假设我是原本是20G,那么我只需要先在这里改成50G即可,然后按照操作步...
每次启动Ubuntu20.04时提示的信息如下: Low Disk Space on “Filesystem root” The volume “Filesystem root” has only 548.7MB diskspace 2.1 查看磁盘空间使用 查看使用情况,命令如下: df-h 1 发现文件系统/dev/sda5已经使用99%,剩余729MB,如下图所示,需要扩展/dev/sda5的卷容量。 3 方案 3.1 安装分区...
在Ubuntu Linux系统中,若出现“Volume 'boot' has only * MB disk space remaining”的提示,说明/boot目录空间不足,需进行清理。清理前需谨慎操作,因为/boot目录包含启动系统所需的关键文件,如内核、初始RAM盘(initrd)、引导加载程序(grub)和系统映像等。启动时,Ubuntu 16.04可能会弹出提示,...
Ubuntu 提示 Low Disk Space on “Filesystem root” ,“Filesystem root” has only 548.7MB diskspace 查看当前不同文件系统的利用率 df -h 1. 按照gparted 磁盘扩容工具 apt-get install -y gparted 1. 打开gparted 执行扩容 确认结果
Check free space on Ubuntu It’s always a good idea tocheck the free disk space in Linuxfirst. This is rather easy on Ubuntu. Just use the Disk Usage Analyzer tool. Search it in the menu and run the tool. You should see the disk space used and the free space remaining here: ...
程序缓存(Firefox/Chrome 缓存、软件中心缓存);略缩图缓存;apt缓存;旧内核;包的配置;不再需要的包。如果你还没有安装这个工具,参考下面的链接 如何安装和使用Ubuntu Tweak 要删除不需要的垃圾文件,打开Ubuntu Tweak,点击 Janitor 选项。选择你想要删除的文件的选框,并点击 Clean 按钮。Janitor现在就...
by the installer default settings), run the commandvgdisplay and check for free space. Here you can see I have 49.25GB of free space ready to be used. If you don’t have any free space, move on to the next section to use some free space from an extended physical (or virtual) disk...
This simple guide explains how to check how much disk space is available in Ubuntu Linux. Thedfcommand tells you how much space is being used on each storage volume attached to yourLinux system. To run it, simply execute the following command in your terminal: ...
There is even a built-in tool to quickly see what files are consuming the disk space on your Ubuntu system. Regarding the terminal side of things, we can utilize a handy built-in tool that goes by the name “df“. While not as versatile as the desktop tools, it allows you to quickly...
As time moves, you might notice your disk space gradually getting depleted. The explanation is that over time, junk files rapidly fill up your hard drive.