要完成这一步,依次从左边菜单中打开System Settings -> Software and Updates工具,并检查所有Ubuntu软件和其他软件库(Canonical 的合作伙伴所提供),点击关闭按钮并等待重新加载缓存源树。 软件更新 其它软件(Canonical 合作伙伴) 为了快速而顺畅的更新,打开终端并输入以下命令来让系统使用新软件库: $ sudo apt-getupdat...
There are no offline upgrade options for Ubuntu Desktop and Ubuntu Server. Please ensure you have network connectivity to one of the official mirrors or to a locally accessible mirror and follow the instructions above. 翻译: 打开Software & Updates 因为我是Ubuntu 18.04 LTS,所以要选For long-term ...
1.3、Ubuntu Software & updates 下载源的更新 1、点击桌面右上角,设置,点击 System Settings 2、点击 Software & Updates 3、点击 Download from:,然后点击 Other... 4、找到 China 选择阿里云,当然 China 底下的源随便你选了,我选的是 阿里 源,点击 Choose Server 5、输入你创建系统时如数的密码,点击 authe...
找到Software & Updates,将源更新为阿里云的源。 在Other Software里将Canonical Partners勾上。 然后手动更新一下: 2、安装搜狗输入法 然后去这里下载64bit的程序,我的是:sogoupinyin_2.2.0.0108_amd64.deb。 下载好以后直接双击此文件,安装就好了。 此时,需要重启!! 点击Show Applications(就是屏幕左下角那九个点...
settings -> software & updates -> Additional Drivers -> 选择安装NVIDIA驱动 虽然有手动安装的方法,但是我觉得这样最保险,一定不会装错。 去NVIDIA官网下载CUDA8.0,注意用.run文件,而不是.deb,据说这样坑比较少一些。。。 log out出去,然后ctrl + alt + f1进入命令行模式: ...
This is a living specification for how Debian-style software channels and update settings should be configured in Ubuntu. Your help to implement any of this is welcome. System Settings should have a “Software & Updates” panel, with tabs for “Channels”, “Updates”, “Livepatch”, and “...
Please review the message provided by the maintainer of this alternate installation method and decide how to proceed: The NVIDIA driver provided by Ubuntu can be installed by launching the "Software & Updates" application, and by selecting the NVIDIA driver from the "Additional Drivers" tab. (Ans...
BiocManager::install( p, suppressUpdates =FALSE, ask =FALSE) } } } ) 3 启动 3.1 添加端口,实现Shiny和Rstudio自由 虽然我们服务器已经安装成功并且激活了这两个功能,但是要从网页去访问,还得设置好服务器端口 在防火墙中进行设置:shiny默认设置3838端口,rstudio默认...
Hit:1http://cache.black.com/cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal InReleaseHit:2http://cache.black.com/cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal-updates InReleaseHit:3http://cache.black.com/cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu focal-backports InReleaseHit:4http://cache.black.com/cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubunt...
或http://archive.ubuntukylin.com/software/pool/partner/ukylin-wechat_3.0.0_amd64.deb 安装:先cd到下载文件保存的目录(或直接在下载的目录右键打开终端),然后执行安装命令: sudo apt-get install -f -y ./weixin_2.1.4_amd64.deb #或 sudo apt-get install -f -y ./ukylin-wechat_3.0.0_amd64...