Ubuntu is the modern, open source operating system on Linux for the enterprise server, desktop, cloud, and IoT.
Since the last update I can't open the external terminal from VSCode, before I did it easily with the ctrl+shift+c key combination and now it doesn't open at all. I try both with the key combination ctrl+shift+c or looking for the option "Open New External Terminal" in "show all ...
Open a terminal and run the following commands:Bash Copy # Get OS version info which adds the $ID and $VERSION_ID variables source /etc/os-release # Download Microsoft signing key and repository wget https://packages.microsoft.com/config/$ID/$VERSION_ID/packages-microsoft-prod.deb -O ...
pwd: The pwd command will allow you to know in which directory you're located (pwd stands for "print working directory"). Example: "pwd" in the Desktop directory will show "~/Desktop". Note that the Gnome Terminal also displays this information in the title bar of its window. A useful...
Checklist I added a descriptive title I searched open reports and couldn't find a duplicate What happened? Description: I am trying to configure my Ubuntu 22.04 system to automatically activate the fnirs conda environment upon terminal s...
apt-cache search # ---(package 搜索包)apt-cache show #---(package 获取包的相关信息,如说明、大小、版本等)apt-get install # ---(package 安装包)apt-get install # ---(package --reinstall 重新安装包)apt-get -f install # ---(强制安装, "-f = --fix-missing"当是修复安装吧...)apt...
This will lead the script into a recursive loop which you can only get out of by closing your terminal window. Because themysql_secure_installationscript performs a number of other actions that are useful for keeping your MySQL installation secure, it’s still recommended that you ...
apt-cache show k3b 查找文件属于哪个包 dpkg -S filename apt-file search filename 查看已经安装了哪些包 dpkg -l 也可用 dpkg -l | less 翻页查看 查询软件xxx依赖哪些包 apt-cache depends xxx 查询软件xxx被哪些包依赖 apt-cache rdepends xxx ...
[Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Name=goland Comment=goland编辑器 Exec=/opt/GoLand-2020.3.4/bin/goland.sh Icon=/opt/GoLand-2020.3.4/bin/goland.svg Categories=Application;Web;MySQL;IDE;goland Version=1.0 Type=Application Terminal=0 保存,退出。:wq...
Containers have a configurable number of consoles. One always exists on the container’s/dev/console. This is shown on the terminal from which you ranlxc-start, unless the-doption is specified. The output on/dev/consolecan be redirected to a file using the-c console-fileoption tolxc-start...