status show firewall status status numbered show firewall statusasnumbered listofRULESstatus verbose show verbose firewall status showARGshow firewall report version display version information Application profile commands:app list list application profiles app infoPROFILEshow information onPROFILEapp updatePR...
route insert NUM RULE insert route RULE at NUM reload reload firewall reset reset firewall status show firewall status status numbered show firewall status as numbered list of RULES status verbose show verbose firewall status show ARG show firewall report version display version information Applicati...
route insert NUM RULE insert route RULE at NUM reload reload firewall reset reset firewall status show firewall status status numbered show firewall status as numbered list of RULES status verbose show verbose firewall status show ARG show firewall report version display version information Applicati...
limit ARGSaddlimit ruledeleteRULE|NUMdeleteRULEinsertNUM RULEinsertRULEatNUM reload reload firewall reset reset firewall statusshowfirewall status status numberedshowfirewall statusasnumbered listofRULES status verboseshowverbose firewall statusshowARGshowfirewall report version display version information Applic...
Dockermay cause conflicts with UFW as it can modify the firewall rules in iptables. UFW won’t prevent an application in the Docker container from connecting to a blocked port, regardless of the rules. Since UFW doesn’t show that the port is open, this incompatibility exposes your server ...
$ firewall-cmd --state 将新指定的ssh端口加入防火墙白名单 只有在防火墙白名单中的端口才允许外界访问,而这个白名单默认是空的,从而大大保证了安全性。 增加新指定的ssh端口到防火墙白名单: $ firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=2222/tcp --permanent ...
firewall reset reset firewall status show firewall status status numbered show firewall status as numbered list of RULES status verbose show verbose firewall status show ARG show firewall report version display version information Application profile commands: app list list application profiles app ...
(status: show status of firewall and ufw managed rules.) 2. 开启或禁用ufw防火墙: sudo ufw enable/disable/reload. (enable: reload firewall and enables firewall on boot) (disable: unload firewall and disables firewall on boot) (reload: reloads firewall) ...
reset Disables and resets firewall to installation defaults. Can also give the--force option to perform the reset without confirmation.关闭并重置防火墙至默认安装状态。使用--force选项,无需等待确认。statusshow status of firewall and ufw managed rules. Use status verbose forextra information. In the...
reloadreload firewall resetreset firewall statusshow firewall status status numberedshow firewall status as numbered list of RULES status verboseshow verbose firewall status show ARGshow firewall report versiondisplay version information Application profile commands: ...