SHOWGRANTSFOR'user1'@'%'; 1. 执行此命令将返回类似于以下内容的结果: GRANT SELECT, INSERT ON *.* TO 'user1'@'%' 1. 这意味着user1用户在所有数据库上拥有SELECT和INSERT的权限。 查看当前登录用户 你可能还想查看当前登录的用户信息,可以使用以下命令: SELECTUSER(),CURRENT_USER(); 1. USER():...
函数current_setting 生成相同输出。 参阅 Section 9.13 ``Miscellaneous Functions'' 。 EXAMPLES例子 显示当前 DateStyle 的设置: SHOW DateStyle; DateStyle --- ISO, MDY (1 row) 显示参数geqo的当前设置: SHOW geqo; geqo --- on (1 row) 显示所有设置: SHOW ALL; name | setting ---+--- australi...
点击右上角的键盘的图标,进入configure,点击右下角的+,取消勾选only show current language,搜索pinyin,选中google pinyin然后点击ok就可以了。默认是ctrl+space切换输入法,进入输入法后可以通过shift来切换中英文输入。和win的不同就是默认没有联想输入和模糊输入,打字的时候需要更多的注意一下细节。 常见快捷操作 ...
3、describe tab_name //显示名为tab_name的表的数据结构 4、show columns from tab_name //同上 5、delete from tab_name //将表tab_name中的记录清空 6、select * from tab_name //显示表tab_name中的记录 7、mysqldump -uUSER -pPASSWORD --no-data DATABASE TABLE > table.sql //复制表结构 四...
~/.local/share/systemd/user/(默认不存在该目录) /etc/systemd/user/ ~/.config/systemd/user/(默认不存在该目录) 注意:可以使用systemctl show --property=UnitPath命令查看扫描顺序, 优先级从低到高. 操作系统服务常用的命令如下: # 启用系统服务sudo systemctlenablexxx.service# 禁用系统服务sudo systemct...
Ubuntu is the modern, open source operating system on Linux for the enterprise server, desktop, cloud, and IoT.
date -s mm/dd/yy 设置时间 date -s HH:MM 将时间写入CMOS hwclock –systohc 查看CMOS时间 hwclock –show 读取CMOS时间 hwclock –hctosys 从服务器上同步时间 sudo ntpdate 设置电脑的时区为上海 sudo cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime 关闭UTC,将当前时间写入CMOS。
Show work-in-progress areas in interactive mode: ./ EXPERT="yes" Build minimal CLI Armbian Jammy for Bananapi M5 with LTS kernel: ./ \ BOARD=bananapim5 \ BRANCH=current \ RELEASE=jammy \ BUILD_MINIMAL=yes \ BUILD_DESKTOP=no \ KERNEL_CONFIGURE=no ...
We are going to show you how to flash your eMMC for your Intel Joule board, and finally turn your Intel Joule into a Ubuntu Core 16 system. What you’ll learn Create a Ubuntu SSO (Single-Sign-On) account How to set up your hardware environment How to flash Ubuntu Core 16 for your ...
The snap changes command will show that one or more snaps are being updated and the device may need to reboot. The solution to the no-ip error is to simply wait for any updates to complete. Ubuntu Core boot asking for recovery key When using Full Disk Encryption, a device’s Trusted Pl...