HTTP proxy is used to identify suspicious web content that is coming from a non-trusted source. It is required in Ubuntu to protect the HTTP server from miscellaneous attacks. To set up the HTTP proxy settings, run the below-mentioned commands to determine the host (server name or IP) and...
Wget is a command-line program that retrieves files from the internet without using aweb browser. To configure a proxy server for wget, create a.wgetrcfile and add the specific proxy settings: 1. Open or create a configuration file for thewgetcommand: sudo nano ~/.wgetrc 2. Add the pr...
1. 安装 proxychains 在Debian/Ubuntu系统: sudo apt-getinstall proxychains 创建一个文件~/.proxychains/proxychains.conf内容如下: strict_chain proxy_dns remote_dns_subnet224tcp_read_time_out15000tcp_connect_time_out8000localnet127.0.0.0/[ProxyList]socks5127.0.0.11080 以后就可以顺利安...
我按照类似于这片博文ubuntu12.04 server 配置网络修改网络配置文件/etc/network/interfaces 的方法没有成功,最后直接编辑网络,采用【System Settings】->【NetWork】界面的方式编辑网络配置,主要是输入IP地址、子网掩码、网关、DNS服务器地址等,可以参考百度文库的这篇文章:Ubuntu 11.04 下如何手动设置 IP。 除此之外,...
NAME dirsearch - An advanced command-line tool designed to brute force directories and files in webservers SYNOPSIS[-u|--url]target[-e|--extensions]extensions[options] OPTIONS --versionshow program's version number and exit-h,--helpshow this help message and exit Mandatory:-uURL...
PPP Settings: 勾选Allow BSD data compression 勾选Allow Deflate data compression 取消勾选 Use TCP header compression 取消勾选 User protocol field compression negotiation 取消勾选 Use Address/Control compression 使用Ubuntu Server: 需要在终端中配置 VPN. 使用以下命令新建一个连接 ...
If your network uses a proxy-server, services like apt-get, git, wget, and curl, etc. would not be able to access internet directly. There is an open source tool :ProxyMan, which lets you easily configure system-wide proxy settings from the command-line in one go.Download latest release...
yum install -y cobbler cobbler-web dhcp tftp-server httpd pykickstart rsync xinetd 1. 3、配置Cobbler [root@server ~]# vim /etc/cobbler/settings # 修改以下配置 next_server: # pxe引导地址 server: # Cobbler服务地址 ...
echo > /etc/hostname /etc/init.d/ start 然后执行 hostname hostname -f 两个都应该显示 now. 8 编辑 /etc/apt/sources.list 更新安装 编辑/etc/apt/sources.list. 注释掉或者删除安装cd,添加一些互联网仓库,国内cn99的比较快, ...
aptinstall-y haproxy #2、配置haproxy.cfg #haproxy01和haproxy02是一样的配置 cat>>/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg EOF listen stats mode http bind statsenable log global stats uri/haproxy-status stats auth haadmin:123456 listen api-server ...