Ubuntu Server 24.04 LTS minimized 安装的系统初始化配置 系统配置 安装常用软件 1 sudo apt install -y vim bash-completion net-tools network-manager lrzsz unzip 删除自带的工具 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 # 彻底删除 snap 以及其配置文件 sudo apt remove -y snapd --purge # 删除云功能和自动升级功能 sudo...
操作均由上下键完成 默认选择Try or Install Ubuntu Server,选中后回车等待下载即可 3.选择操作系统语言 选择默认的English,回车下一步 4.选择键盘布局 默认English键盘布局即可,选择Done完成,下一步 5.选择安装类型 选择Ubuntu Server (minimized)最小化安装,选择Done完成,下一步 6.网络配置 默认DHCP 自动获取 IP ...
选择安装类型 (默认安装即可)Ubuntu Server ——> 默认安装 Ubuntu Server (minimized) ——> 最小...
Keyboard layout界面,Layout和Variant都选择English(US)。 Type of Install界面,建议选择Ubuntu Server,基础包会安装得比较全。如果磁盘空间有限,或者基于其他考虑,也可以选择minimized。 Network Connection界面,会显示网卡名字和DHCP出的IPv4地址,这里就先这样默认,后面装完会对网络做专门配置。 Configure Proxy界面,配置代...
具体可常看Ubuntu官方的nVidia驱动安装介绍:https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/nvidia-drivers-installation 查看当前可安装的Linux版本驱动版本 sudo ubuntu-drivers list--gpgpu 然后选择你需要的版本号进行安装,我这里选的是545版本 sudo aptinstall-y libnvidia-decode-545libnvidia-encode-545 ...
This system has been minimized by removing packages and content that are not required on a system that users do not log into. To restore this content, including manpages, you can run the 'unminimize' command. You will still need to ensure the 'man-db' package is installed. ...
具体可常看Ubuntu官方的nVidia驱动安装介绍:https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/nvidia-drivers-installation 查看当前可安装的Linux版本驱动版本 sudo ubuntu-drivers list--gpgpu 然后选择你需要的版本号进行安装,我这里选的是545版本 sudo apt install -y libnvidia-decode-545 libnvidia-encode-545# 其他安装Linux nVi...
This system has been minimized by removing packages and content that are not required on a system that users do not log into. To restore this content, including manpages, you can run the 'unminimize' command. You will still need to ensure the 'man-db' package is installed. ...