Status_Access_Denied: This error may mean the user not found, you need add one. sudo smbpasswd -auser
I was using the ubuntu server as a samba server, using 'share' as the security authentication method, it has been working very well under previous ubuntu versions but, after upgrading to 10.04, the windows computers can't access the server shares anymore; the linux computers don't hav...
valid users = neucrack 然后为samba服务设置单独的密码 如果不单独设置密码(密码可以跟用户密码相同,但是必须设置),会报错 smbclient NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED sudo smbpasswd -a neucrack #然后会要求输入密码,比如这里设置123456 重启服务,客户端测试,期间会要求选择用户和输入密码 sudo/etc.init.d/samba restart 客...
sudo gedit /etc/samba/smbusers 在新建立的文件内加入下面这一行并保存: myname= “networkusername”只有这样,你的用户设置才有效 重启samba服务器 sudo testparm验证一下配置参数 smbclient -L \\linux上ip -U myname。。enter以后输入刚才设置的samba密码 3.使用 然后就可以到windows下输入ip并使用 ...
Error Permission denied You do not have permission to create a usershare. Ask your administrator to grant you permissions to create a share. 只需要将该用户加入sambashare用户组 sudoadduseryournamesambashare 1. 我的例子中输入:sudo adduser nvidia sambashare ...
sudo apt install samba samba-common 1. 2. 创建一个用于分享的samba目录(如果在/home就跳过这步) mkdir /home/<username>/sambashare/ 1. 给创建的这个目录设置权限 sudo chmod 777 /home/<username>/sambashare/ -R 1. 添加用户(下面的sxf是我的用户名,之后会需要设置samba的密码)。这里添加的用户在 Li...
many/etc/samba/smb.confparameters were changed, some removed. Please see theupstream release notesfor details. the CTDB package was adjusted to work with the new NFS server version shipped in this Ubuntu 22.04 findsmb(1)was removed glusterfs support enabledin the Ubuntu packaging. This was poss...
samba/RD valid users = rd01,panda,admin01 public = yes read only = no write list = RD01 文件夹权限777 win10登录 panda用户可以登录,rd01和admin01都不可以登录,提示拒绝访问 samba服务器log如下: [2021/03/30 15:27:44.544798, 3] ../source3/lib/access.c:338(allow_access) Allowed 分享3赞...
abort shutdown script = /sbin/shutdown -c access based share enum (S) If this parameter is yes for a service, then the share hosted by the service will only be visible to users who have read or write access to the share during share enumeration (for example net view \\sambaserver)....