bash(Bourne Again SHell) is an enhanced version ofsh(Bourne Shell). Bash includes additional features like command line editing. If your script relies on Bash-specific features, use#!/bin/bash; otherwise,#!/bin/shis sufficient. How can I debug my shell script? Run your script with the-xo...
#time stream tcp nowait root internal #:STANDARD:These are standard services.#:BSD:Shell,login,exec and talk areBSDprotocols.#:MAIL:Mail,news and uucp services.#:INFO:Info services #:BOOT:TFTPservice is provided primarilyforbooting.Most sites # runthisonly on machines actingas"boot servers."...
bash sudo cp /usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/ubuntu.css /usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/ubuntu.css.backup 接下来开始安装: 执行./ 寻找一个自己的喜欢的壁纸, 右键 -> script -> SetAsWallPaper (要输入密码), 这样, 程序 ~/.local/share/nautilus/scripts/SetAsWallpaper 就会生成一张当前壁...
$ curl -sS | ...
上下文unit_test: script: - <e 浏览9提问于2022-10-17得票数-2 回答已采纳 2回答 /bin/sh: 1:apk:创建docker镜像时未找到 、、、 FROMubuntu:trustyENV JAVA_HOME /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64 RUNapkadd --no-cache3.4.9 # Download Apache Zookeeper, verify its PGP ...
shell也有一个真实的调试模式。如果在脚本"strangescript" 中有错误,您可以这样来进行调试: sh -x strangescript 这将执行该脚本并显示所有变量的值。 shell还有一个不需要执行脚本只是检查语法的模式。可以这样使用: sh -n your_script 这将返回所有语法错误。
Homebrew Command Not Found This project reproduces Ubuntu’scommand-not-foundfor Homebrew users on macOS. On Ubuntu, when you try to use a command that doesn’t exist locally but is available through a package, Bash will suggest you a command to install it. Using this script, you can repl...
Windows PowerShell SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) For other installation scenarios, see the following resources: Upgrade: Learn how to upgrade an existing installation of SQL Server on Linux Uninstall: Uninstall SQL Server on Linux Unattended install: Learn how to script the installation without prompt...
Another year, another ROSCon! This year we’re setting off to Odense, Denmark. At Canonical, we are excited to once again sponsor this event for a community... TurtleBot3 OpenCR firmware update from a snap The TurtleBot3 robot is a standard platform robot in the ROS community, and it’...
If you run into any issues, please create an issue; I am by no means a shell/bash expert (far from it), and it took me a while to compile this script into something that's easy to use and just works, but I'm happy to help where I can! :) ...