新服务器通过ubuntu用户登陆报To run a command as administrator (user "root"),执行以下命令即可touch~/.sudo_as_admin_successful然后通过exit退出终端,再重新连接就不会报这个错了
首先在终端切花到root,命令如下:sudo su 然后输入密码即可 然后在执行就好了。
ubuntu服务器上提示 To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo ". See " 解决方案 原因是你执行命令必须要在root用户下执行、其他用户权限不够、运行 sudo -s 切换到root用户下就可以了
Ubuntu is the modern, open source operating system on Linux for the enterprise server, desktop, cloud, and IoT.
echo"The installer needs to run as root."echo"Please enter your sudo password if prompted."exec caffeinate-dis sudo-E./install.sh"$@"elseexec caffeinate-dis./install.sh"$@"fi fi 安装程序比较简单,基本就是定义一些“资源”,然后分别下载“真正的安装程序(installer)”和“安装程序数据(installer_...
echo "The installer needs to run as root." echo "Please enter your sudo password if prompted." exec caffeinate -dis sudo -E ./install.sh "$@" else exec caffeinate -dis ./install.sh "$@" fifi安装程序比较简单,基本就是定义一些“资源”,然后分别下载“真正的安装程序(installer)”和“安装...
= "root" ]; then echo "The installer needs to run as root." echo "Please enter your sudo password if prompted." exec caffeinate -dis sudo -E ./install.sh "$@" else exec caffeinate -dis ./install.sh "$@" fi fi 安装程序比较简单,基本就是定义一些“资源”,然后分别下载“真正的安装...
Ubuntu caches the repository data at the system boot. It uses the cached data til the system is up. It does not actively monitor the repositories list. Any change to it will not work until you reboot the system or run the following command. Run this command every time you create or upda...
it runs asroot as a result, its clients need to run asroot the clients need to be specially crafted to run as system services That means we lose the security layer of running as an unprivileged user, both for Frame itself, but even more importantly for its clients, which often run compl...
C:\Users\(XXX)\AppData\Local\Packages\CanonicalGroupLimited.UbuntuonWindows_79rhkp1fndgsc ubuntu子系统安装方法 首先,win10的子系统开启前,需要进行一系列操作,并重启计算机,过程如下: 打开win10开发人员模式,在设置-->更新和安全-->针对开发人员,中勾选开发人员模式。