If you are a Command Line user this method is for you. You can also remove the user by writing commands on the terminal. Step 1: List users First check all the users registered on your system, the users are recorded in /etc/passwd, with the user account name as the first column.To ...
可为newuser用户增加管理员权限,方便部署,避免一些比较棘手的权限问题: sudo adduser newuser sudo 1. 最后注销当前用户(点击屏幕右上角的齿轮,选择注销),返回登陆界面。在登陆界面中选择刚创建的 newuser 用户进行登陆。 删除用户newuser userdel newuser 1. 删除用户newuser,同时删除其工作目录 userdel -r newus...
sudo(superuser do) 是一个用于在 Unix-like 操作系统中以超级用户(root)权限执行命令的命令。 它允许普通用户在需要进行特权操作时暂时获得root权限,而无需完全切换到超级用户帐户。 使用sudo命令,用户可以在执行命令时提供他们自己的密码来验证他们的身份。一旦通过身份验证就可以执行具有superuser权限的命令,这些命令...
使用dpkg 命令安装软件时,可以使用 -i 选项并指定 deb 安装包的路径。和 Ubuntu 下的另一个包管理工具 apt-get(Advanced Package Tool)有所不同。 apt-get 命令并不直接操作 deb 安装包文件,而是从 /etc/apt/sources.list 配置文件中定义的软件...
How to Remove a User on Ubuntu From Cradle to Grave Summary To create a new user named "maxn" in Ubuntu, use the command "sudo adduser maxn". To delete the user and their home directory, you want the "deluser --remove-home maxn" command. You can also add them to groups (user...
userdel user1 #userdel -r user1# -r, --remove 用户主目录中的文件将随用户主目录和用户邮箱一起删除。在其它文件系统中的文件必须手动搜索并删除。# -f, --force 此选项强制删除用户账户,甚至用户仍然在登录状态。它也强制删除用户的主目录和邮箱,即使其它用户也使用同一个主目录或邮箱不属于指定的用户 ...
deluser --remove-home newuser If you're running this as a non-root user with sudo privileges, you would instead type: sudodeluser --remove-home newuser If you had previously configured sudo privileges for the user you deleted, you may want to remove the relevant line again by typing: ...
If you are not at ease with the command line, you can add a new user via GUI. This is very simple to do: Open up the activities screen and put in the word “users” in the search field as shown below: Then click on “Add or remove users and change your password”. ...
sudo deluser --remove-home newuser 1. 如果您之前为已删除的用户配置了sudo权限,则可能需要通过键入以下内容再次删除相关行: visudo 1. 或者如果您是具有sudo权限的非root用户,请使用此选项: sudo visudo 1. root ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL newuser ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL # DELETE THIS LINE ...
sudo deluser username groupname Always make sure to double check that the group name is present. If you run the command without a group name, it will simply delete the user entirely. For example, the following command will remove the user from the group "sudo." ...