If the ibus-pinyin Chinese input method is not workingcorrectly, as in the example above where I typed "hanyu" and got "ha nü sh" instead, ibus-pinyin has gotten its libraries mixed up. It was giving me theDouble Pinyin speed typing methodinstead of normal full Hanyu Pinyin. To fix it...
其实英文版本的Ubuntu 18.04 安装中文输入法不需要安装中文语言包,安装过程也很简单,步骤如下 1. 首先下载Ubuntu版本的搜狗安装包: https://pinyin.sogou.com/linux/ 2. 然后点击搜狗输入deb安装包进行安装即可 3. 打开Language Support,若提醒语言支持未完全安装,点remind me later就好,忽... ...
安装中文语言支持 System Settings -> Language Support ->Install or Remove Languages 此时,系统还只是能识别中文,我们并不能输入中文,因为我们还没有安装中文输入法。在命令行输入“sudo apt-get install ibus-pinyin”,安装中文输入法。 ibus输入法设置 Text Ent...Ubuntu...
The Chewing keyboard preferences menu is shown here to the right. More on how to get to that menu is insetting SCIM preferences. To me Chewing does not seem as sophisticated as Smart Pinyin, and even requires you to type each Pinyin sound with a tone number. Of course, if you're a h...
获取代码:(没有git的先安装git:sudoapt-getinstallgit-core) $gitclonegit://github/tchaikov/scim-googlepinyin.git $cdscim-googlepinyin.git “cd”这段有问题,应该是“cdscim-googlepinyin”才对 页首 4楼chenzw文章标题:Re:Ubuntu10.04安装google拼音输入法发表于:2010-05-2021:51 注册:2008-11-0314:59...
获取代码: (没有 git 的先安装 git :sudo apt-get install git-core ) $ git clone git:///tchaikov/scim-googlepinyin.git $ cd scim-googlepinyin.git “cd这段有问题,应该是” “cd scim-googlepinyin 才对” 页首 4 楼 chenzw 文章标题 : Re: Ubuntu 10.04 安装 google 拼音输入法 发表于 : ...
• fcitx-googlepinyin 0.1.6-1 • fcitx-libs:amd64 1: • fcitx-libs-gclient:amd64 1: • fcitx-libs-qt:amd64 1: • fcitx-module-dbus 1: • fcitx-module-kimpanel 1: • fcitx-module-lua 1: • fcitx...
Chinese input method support quanpin, shuangpin, wubi, cangjie and rime elpa-pyim-basedict (0.5.5-1) [universe] default pinyin dict for pyim elpa-relint (2.0+repack-1) [universe] Emacs Lisp regexp mistake finder elpa-rg (2.3.0-4) [universe] search tool for Emacs based on ripgrep elpa...
[01.544]out of usb burn from boot: not need burn key [01.558]update bootcmd [01.569]change working_fdt 0x43e8be70 to 0x43e6be70 [01.589]update dts Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 [01.795]no vendor_boot partition is found Android's image name: t113-whycanpim [01.807]Starting kernel...
uim-pinyin Universal Input Method - pinyin input support metapackage uim-plugins Universal Input Method - plugin files uim-qt5 Universal Input Method - Qt 5.x front end uim-qt5-immodule Universal Input Method - Qt 5.x IM module uim-skk Universal Input Method - SKK support metapackage uim...