虚拟机与主机之间相互ping通有一个问题,就是虚拟机能够ping通主机本地主机ping不通虚拟机:解决办法: 1、如果虚拟机有两个网卡 将虚拟机网卡2的连接方式改成桥接即可: ⚠️要将虚拟机重启,否则是成功不了的(重要) 然后就能够通过网卡2进行连接: 2、虚拟机只有一个网卡 也是将网卡1改成桥接模式 ⚠️要将...
一、Ubuntu常使用的快捷键 在Linux下Win键就是Super键,长按该键可以打开系统快捷键帮助说明。在Ubuntu中打开终端的快捷键是Ctrl+Alt+T,在终端中打开新的选项卡的快捷键是Ctrl+Shift+T。 1.1、Linux系统快捷键 Tab //自动补全命令或者文件名 Alt + F1 //聚焦到桌面左侧任务导航栏,可按上下键进行导航 A...
A project I am working on uses Apache Shiro as a security framework. Passwords are SHA1 hashed (no salt, no iterations). Login is SSL secured. However, the remaining part of the application is not SSL...undefined symbol _main in module c0.ASM This program is being compiled successfully...
vim /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf 修改如下 默认1改为5或者8 按自己服务器性能更改 StartPingers=5 Zabbix server报"Zabbix icmp pinger processes more than 75% busy",之所以出现这个错误,因为昨天将模板Template Module ICMP Ping链接到Template OS Windows by Zabbix agent模板下和Template OS Linux by Zabbix...
$ dpkg -l vimDesired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)||/ Name Version Architecture Description+++-===-===-===-===ii vim2:8.1.2269-1ubuntu5 amd...
I had the same problem after moving my ubuntu vm to a different host. The following steps worked for me, the reloading of the kernel modules might not be required, cannot reproduce as it is working now. I guess the network-manager is broken. ...
hosts: files mdns_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns To: hosts: files dns Step 1f: Check name resolution and service reachability Verify that you can resolve the FQDN and ping the domain controller and Delivery Controller: nslookup domain-controller-fqdn ...
Unfortunately it's fixing docker but it's not fixing docker desktop startup. Thank you - this guide helped me get docker via terminal working but still no joy with Docker Desktop, I'm waiting patiently for this bug to me fixed. nathannli commented on Apr 27, 2024 nathannli on Apr 27...
Have WiFi troubles on your Ubuntu 24.04 system? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. WiFi problems can be incredibly disruptive, especially when you rely on a solid connection for work or leisure. This guide provides clear, step-by-step solutions to get your WiFi working smoothly again. ...
I’d say look into the router, but you have multiple other devices behind it working… What happens if you power cycle it? Or click the “clear NAT state” button if it happens to have one. If that’s not too disruptive. 1 Like ...