openssl是一个开源的加密库,提供了一系列的密码学功能,包括对称加密、非对称加密、哈希函数等。它可以用于保护网络通信、数据存储和身份验证等方面的安全需求。 在Ubuntu操作系统中,openss...
使用Ubuntu 虚拟机。安装某些软件包时可能会出现一些问题。一个窍门是打开终端 然后使用sudo命令安装一些软件包, (输入密码后)。只需输入(或复制/粘贴) 代码语言:javascript 复制 sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-devsudo apt-get install libxml2-devsudo apt-get install openjdk-8-*update-alternatives ...
wget 解压: tar -zxvf openssl-1.1.1l.tar.gz 配置: ./config 编译并安装: make -j8&& sudo make install 配置系统环境: 修改 .bashrc 文件,添加内容: # openssl export OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=/usr/local/lib64 重新载入 .bashrc 文...
使用Ubuntu 虚拟机。安装某些软件包时可能会出现一些问题。一个窍门是打开终端 然后使用sudo命令安装一些软件包, (输入密码后)。只需输入(或复制/粘贴) sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-devsudo apt-get install libxml2-devsudo apt-get install openjdk-8-*update-alternatives --config javasudo apt-ge...
cd openssl-3.0.0-alpha10 使用如下命令编译和安装 ./Configuremakesudo make install 安装结束后,使用openssl version命令测试是否安装成功 .../openssl/openssl-3.0.0-alpha10$ openssl versionopenssl: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or dire...
and Ubuntu 22.04+. Previous .NET and Ubuntu versions are not supported (with the new packages). You must use the to use .NET on earlier Ubuntu versions. Separately, earlier .NET versions are not supported on Ubuntu 22.04 because they do not support OpenSSL ...
CentOS/RHEL:sudo yum install openssl-devel Fedora:sudo dnf install openssl-devel openSUSE:sudo zypper install libopenssl-devel 如果lrzsz已经安装但无法正常工作,请尝试卸载并重新安装lrzsz: Debian/Ubuntu:sudo apt-get remove lrzsz && sudo apt-get install lrzsz ...
openssl 的安装: 下载地址: 解压: tar -zxvf openssl-1.1.1k 配置: ./config --prefix=/home/devilmaycry/anaconda3/mindspore_envs/openssl_1.1.1 编译并安装: make -j8&& make install ...
chisel:22.04 as installer WORKDIR /staging RUN ["chisel", "cut", "--root", "/staging", \ "base-files_base", \ "base-files_release-info", \ "ca-certificates_data", \ "libc6_libs", \ "libssl3_libs", \ "openssl_config" ] FROM scratch COPY --from=installer [ "/staging/", "...
官方Required Packages: GCC 4.4.x or later CMake 2.8.7 or higher Git GTK+2.x or higher, including headers (libgtk2.0-dev) pkg-config Python 2.6 or later and Numpy 1.5 or later with developer packages (python-dev, python-numpy)