smb服务共享的文件夹在Linux下进行mount (Linux版本为Ubuntu 16.04),程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
Another method to mount the SMB share is by manually, and for this, we have to open the file using the nano text editor: $sudonano/etc/fstab A file will be opened, at the end, copy and paste the below-mentioned line by replacing the IP address: // cif...
你需要在本地文件系统中创建一个目录,作为SMB共享的挂载点。例如: bash sudo mkdir -p /mnt/smb_share 使用mount.cifs命令挂载SMB共享到本地目录: 你可以使用mount.cifs命令来挂载SMB共享。你需要提供SMB共享的网络路径、本地挂载点以及必要的认证信息(如用户名和密码)。例如: bash sudo mount -t cifs -o ...
smbmount-装载一个smbfs文件系统 总览SYNOPSIS smbmount{service} {mount-point} [-o options] 描述DESCRIPTION smbmount可以装载一个Linux SMB文件系统。它通常在带 "-t smbfs" 选项执行mount(8) 命令时被作 为mount.smbfs执行。当然内核必须支持smbfs文件系统。smbmount使用的选项是用逗号分隔的一串key=value字串...
Please feel free to join us on the new TrueNAS Community Forums. Related topics on for thread: "Mounting SMB with Ubuntu: mount error(95)" Unfortunately, no related topics are found on the New Community Forums. Similar threads Locked Permanently Mapping CIFS Share in ...
Service :- samba or smb Actually i want to take a back of windows xp's users data which on d: or etc and that backup i want to store in samba share which i made on my centos 5.4 . To do this we need to mount samba share as local drive then any script or any software can de...
# /etc/samba/smb.conf里面是[share],所以是//。${samba_share_path}只不过是[share]对应的实际目录。 # sudo mkdir -vp ${samba_mount_path} # sudo mount -t cifs // ${samba_mount_path} -o user=${samba_user_name},password=123456 # (9)Windows徽标...
12.10之前的版本,是用smbmount命令把远程windows的共享目录mount到本机。 在10.04上查找smbmount来自什么deb包: dpkg-query -S smbmount 结果显示: smbfs: /usr/share/man/man8/smbmount.8.gz smbfs: /usr/bin/smbmount 这说明smbmount是来自smbfs包 ...
。 安装 在Ubuntu 18.04系统下安装samba只需要运行以下命令即可: sudo apt-get install samba ...
或者通过smbmount来挂接 安装apt-get install smbfs 挂接命令: smbmount //IP地址/共享文件夹名 /Linux中的挂接点 -o iocharset=utf8,username=用户名,password=密码 我的环境:Ubuntu 8.1.0 amd64位,Windows XP SP3中文版