UBports适用于OnePlus 5 / 5T的Ubuntu Touch文档。 目录 安装构建先决条件 基于拱的系统 启用多并运行: sudo pacman -Syyu --needed base-devel git cd /tmp/ git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/halium-devel.git cd halium-devel/ makepkg -si --needed 基于Debian的系统 sudo dpkg --add-architecture...
Multipassis available as asnap package, thus making it easy to install on themost popular Linux distributionthat supports snaps. To installMultipasson your computer, you must have Snap installed on the system, if not, use the right set of commands for your Linux distribution. Install Multipass ...
aur也很简单,就是一个 git clone 和 makepkg -si 的事情。
curl -O https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/snapshot/mutate-git.tar.gz tar xvf mutate-git.tar.gz cd mutate-git makepkg -si From Package Release Ubuntu wget https://github.com/qdore/Mutate/releases/download/v2.3/Mutate-2.3.deb sudo apt-get install gdebi sudo gdebi Mutate-2.3.deb Fe...