No, you cannot install Microsoft Excel, Word, and PowerPoint directly on Ubuntu as you would on Windows. Instead, Ubuntu users typically rely on open-source office suites like LibreOffice or OnlyOffice, which offer Linux-compatible versions. Additionally, you can use the online version of Microsof...
Step 5:Install Wine The Office setup wizard will appear. The installation will start automatically. Once completed, Microsoft Office applications like Word, PowerPoint, and Excel will be listed on PlayOnLinux. This method allows you to run a specific version of Microsoft Office that is not availabl...
mysql>createdatabaseopenmeetingsdefaultcharsetutf8; 5、安装openoffice。 $ 6、新建openoffice的convert服务。 $ unsetDISPLAY /usr/lib/openoffice/program/soffice"-accept=socket,host=localhost,port=8100;urp;StarOffice.ServiceManager"-nologo-headless-...
sudo apt-get install build-essentialsudo apt-get install gcc-multilibsudo apt-get install rpmsudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre下载安装文件,解压tar -xzvf ***安装/.instal.sh我是64位机器,安装时只选64位安装,将32位选项去除。另外安装完后,在~/.bashrc文件中添加source /opt/intel/composer_xe_201...
OpenJDK sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk OracleJDK 请参考 Kotlin kotlin最终还是在jvm上运行,安装jdk后用idea可以创建Kotlin项目,用Android Studio 可以创建Kotlin语言的Andoird软件项目,更多信息请移步 Python Python在大数据、Web后端、人工智能方面都能有非常大的作用,在有些地方Python甚至已经添加到了小学课程里面...
| Distribution type/Install type 官方网站: Obs Studio Screen capture option 屏幕捕获选项 The popular free and open-source streaming application OBS Studio recently started supporting Wayland. Although it is primarily used for live-streaming, its screen recording feature works in...
Before we jump into installing Microsoft Office on Ubuntu, we gotta make sure we’ve got windbind and PlayOnLinux set up. Winbind links up with Windows to make the installation process smooth sailing. So just fire up your terminal and run the command below to install windbind: ...
软件下载地址: Index of /openkylin/yangtze/pool/all/下载最新的 sudo apt-get install ./wps-office_xxx.deb
sudo apt-get install 软件名 sudo apt-get remove 软件名 Firefox浏览器的更新 Ubuntu安装完成后会自动安装一个Firefox浏览器,遗憾的是这个Firefox版本通常较低,例如Ubuntu 9.04会安装Firefox 3.0,不过我们可以想办法下载最新的Firefox覆盖掉老版本Firefox,具体方法是,先上Firefox官方网站下载最新的Linux版本Firefox,然后将...