sudo apt install linux-image-extra-virtual 关闭VM后,以管理员模式启动powershell,运行如下命令,注意把<vm-name>换成你的虚拟机名字,可以在hyperv管理器里看到这个名字。然后把2560,1600,分别换成你的屏幕分辨率。 set-vmvideo -vmname <vm-name> -horizontalresolution:2560 -verticalresolution:1600 -resolutio...
sudo apt install linux-image-extra-virtual 设置Hyper-v 关闭ubuntu虚拟器后,以管理员模式启动powershell,运行如下命令,把换成自己的虚拟机名称。虚拟机名称可以Hyper-v管理器中查看。把<2560>,<1600>换成自己的屏幕分辨率。 set-vmvideo -vmname <vm-name> -horizontalresolution:<2560> -verticalresolution:<160...
Great, you will note that the Ubuntu virtual machine is opened by default in Full-Screen mode. Also, in the Display resolution setting, you will note that the resolution has been changed from "1152*864 (4:3)" to your specified resolution "1920x1080 (9:6)" Hyper-V Ubuntu fullscreen st...
hyper-v安装ubuntu/linuxmint分辨率问题 参考页面: Open Terminal Type: sudo vi /etc/default/grub Find the line starting withGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT, and addvideo=hyperv_fb:[the ...
As for the max resolution, it seems to be a hyper-v limitation on the 1920x1080 for Linux VMs. Windows VMs can work just fine, but that's the max I've been able to get Linux to. And remember to run sudo update-grub every time after you change the grub file with the...
输入如下命令,把<vm-name>换成自己的虚拟机名称。虚拟机名称可以Hyper-v管理器中查看。把1440,1000换成自己的屏幕分辨率。 set-vmvideo -vmname <vm-name> -horizontalresolution:<2560> -verticalresolution:<1600> -resolutiontype single set-vm <vm-name> -EnhancedSessionTransportType HVSocket ...
Ubuntu Kylin 14.10如何更改屏幕分辨率,UutuKyli14.10Bata1已经出来有一段时间了,相信很多人都用上了,那么UutuKyli14.10如何更改屏幕的分辨率呢?其实很简单,下面让我为大家介绍一下其详细步骤。当然我这里是以虚拟机的形式来为大家举例的。
resolution to fit my 3440x1440 monitor, which worked perfectly. Now I have created a new VM in Hyper-V using the New Virtual Machine Wizard so that I could host the VM on a different hard drive from my OS. Also working great. However, how can I now change the resolution to fit my...
If I use Remote Desktop (by connecting to the IP address of Ubuntu, obtained via "ifconfig"), then the resolution is fullscreen but the graphics is slow. I've spent about 3 hours total of trying to get both to work to on avail. Would it have been so difficult for Hyper-V to ...