终端代码 " set showmatch " 插入括号时,短暂地跳转到匹配的对应括号 " set matchtime=2 " 短暂跳转到匹配括号的时间 set magic " 设置魔术 set hidden " 允许在有未保存的修改时切换缓冲区,此时的修改由 vim 负责保存 set guioptions-=T " 隐藏工具栏 set guioptions-=m " 隐藏菜单栏 set smartindent " ...
addset clipboard=unnamedto /etc/vimrc or ~/.vimrc how to use use"+yyto copy current line ===> usepto paste in vim andctrl+vto paste outside vim usectrl+cto copy from somewhere outside vim ===> usepto paste in vim
在Ubuntu中安装支持Ruby的Vim可以通过以下步骤进行: 首先,确保你的系统已经安装了Vim和Ruby。可以使用以下命令进行安装: 首先,确保你的系统已经安装了Vim和Ruby。可以使用以下命令进行安装: 安装支持Ruby的Vim插件管理器,例如Vundle。可以使用以下命令进行安装: 安装支持Ruby的Vim插件管理器,例如Vundle。可以使用以下命令进...
为了更好的在vim下进行工作,需要手动设置一个配置文件:.vimrc。 启动vim时,当前用户根目录下的.vimrc文件会被自动读取,该文件可以包含一些设置甚至脚本,所以,一般情况下把.vimrc文件创建在当前用户的根目录下比较方便,即创建的命令为 $vi ~/.vimrc 1. 设置完后 :x或者:x或者wq 进行保存退出即可。 下面给出...
概述 实现远程登录MySQL数据库步骤一.修改配置文件修改配置文件 etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf vim etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf...#把bind-address = 注释掉二.修改用户设置 1.登入数据库 mysql -uroot -p 2.选择mysql数据库 use mysql; 3.查看user表 select...user set host =...
sh~/.vim_runtime/install_awesome_vimrc.sh # setup YouCompleteMe cd~/.vim_runtime/sources_non_forked gitclone https://github.com/Valloric/YouCompleteMe.git cdYouCompleteMe gitsubmodule update--init--recursive # install YouCompleteMe Core [Before, you should install golang, nodejs, npm and java...
sudo apt-get install -y openssh-server vim screen curl git nmap gawk Note: VI is installed by default. But, if you don't install vim, there will be some problem when using vi to edit files. For example, in Insert mode, pressing arrow keys will generate ABCD characters instead of movi...
If you want GitLab Enterprise to redirect to your domain instead of the server's hostname,edit the configuration fileaccordingly and then run a reconfiguration command. To get started, open the following file with your preferred text editor. This example usesvim: ...
How to use Note: The code is only tested in Ubuntu Jammy environment, other environment are currently not tested. Step 1: Simply execute $ ./build.sh#If you want to add snaps built-in to the image, please add arguments with the format#--snap=<SNAP_NAME>=<SNAP_TRACK>/<SNAP_CHANNEL>...
Please refer to this: Solution 1:sudo apt-get --with-new-pkgs upgrade <list of packages kept back> Solution 2:sudo apt-get install <list of packages kept back> Edit binaryVi/Vim: :%!xxd to enter hex edit mode, :!xxd -r to quit Or use command line hex edit by apt install hex...