03.想要选择新时区,你需要点击地图,或者通过搜索栏,搜索一个时区。 一旦完成,点击x来关闭窗口。 五、总结 我们已经向你展示如何修改你的 Ubuntu 系统的时区。 原文:https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-set-or-change-timezone-on-ubuntu-20-04/ 代码语言:javascript 复制...
一旦你识别出哪一个时区能准备描述你的位置,以 root 或者其他有 sudo 权限的用户身份,运行下面的命令: sudo timedatectl set-timezone your_time_zone 例如,想要将系统时区设置为America/New_York: sudo timedatectl set-timezone America/New_York 运行timedatectl命令去验证修改: timedatectl Local time: Wed 2020-...
一旦你识别出哪一个时区能准备描述你的位置,以 root 或者其他有 sudo 权限的用户身份,运行下面的命令: sudo timedatectl set-timezone your_time_zone 例如,想要将系统时区设置为America/New_York: sudo timedatectl set-timezone America/New_York 运行timedatectl命令去验证修改: timedatectl Local time: Wed 2020-...
Having a local time is necessary on your server for some cronjob or any system related processes. By default, when a server is provisioned a default timezone will get configured automatically with the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). You can change the timezone later using the below method....
http://www.namhuy.net/2435/how-to-change-date-time-timezone-on-centos-6.html 查看日期(使用 -R 参数会以数字显示时区) $date 选择时区, 用当地的时区文件覆盖默认的, 这个在Ubuntu18.04下同样有效 cd /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/sudocpShanghai /etc/localtime ...
Here’s how to change the timezone using this method: Open your CLI. Check the current system’s timezone by running the timedatectl command. The output below shows that the local time is set to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Find out the full name of the timezone. Usually, the nami...
timedatectl list-timezones 按Space键滚动到下一页,b按向后滚动页面。 找到要使用的时区后,按q返回命令行。 第2步:设置所需的时区 请务必将desired_timezone替换为您从列表中选择的时区: 代码语言:javascript 复制 sudo timedatectl set-timezone desired_timezone ...
If you want to change the timezone without much hassle and without messing around system files directlyjump to datetimectlcommand option below. How to change timezone in Linux using /etc/localtime file /etc/localtimeis the file used by the kernel to determine the timezone. If you check you...
Centos5, 6, 以及Ubuntu18.04下更改系统时间和时区,http://www.namhuy.net/2435/how-to-change-date-time-timezone-on-centos-6.html查看日期(使用-R参数会以数字显示时区)$date选择时区,用当地的时区文件覆盖默认的,这个在Ubuntu18.04下同样有效cd
If you need to change your timezone, please check out: Change the Timezone in Ubuntu To change the timezone on Ubuntu all you need to do is reconfigure the tzdata package. This can be done using the following command: sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata ...