当我们重启ubuntu系统之后,使用nvidia-smi命令查看GPU使用情况时,有时候会出现“NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn‘t communicate with the NVIDIA driver”错误,这很可能是内核版本更新的问题,导致新版本内核和原来显卡驱动不匹配! Linux Kernel Kernel 是与计算机硬件接口的易替换软件的最低级别。它负责将所有...
sudo ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh -u 示例: Which kernel version do you wish to uninstall? [0]: v5.11.0-051100 [1]: v5.15.0-051500 type the number between []: 2.1.5、检查Linux最新可用版本 ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh -c 示例: # ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh -c Finding latest version avai...
A: 当然可以,/var/cache/apt/archieve 下的都是软件的安装缓存,你可以直接删除,或者用命令sudo apt-get autoclean(只删除低版本的deb包),sudo apt-get clean(全部删除)。为了以后重装系统方便,可以将这些deb包保存到其他地方。Q: 为什么无法安装?我一见到"loading kernel"就停住了,死活过不去?A: 你可以在...
kernel.org/ 或mirrors.edge.kernel.org 注1:可用uname -r或cat /proc/version命令查看当前内核版本注2:尽量选用版本相同或接近的源码,不要太新或太旧的版本注3:下载的源代码为形如linux-5.4.115.tar.xz的压缩包 或者可以手动下载,这个我没用过,不确定是否可行。需在终端键入命令: apt-cache search linux-...
For server versions and people who downloaded 18.04 and 18.04.1, you’ll have to install the HWE kernel. Once you do that, you’ll get the newer kernel releases provided by Ubuntu to the LTS version. To install HWE kernel in Ubuntu desktop along with newer xorg, you can use this comman...
Ubuntu Version And Linux Kernel Version Check 这是为什么?如果 Ubuntu 18.04.3 有 Linux 5.0 内核,为什么它仍然使用 Linux 4.15 内核?这是因为你必须通过选择 LTS 支持栈(Enablement Stack)(通常称为 HWE)手动请求在 Ubuntu LTS 中安装新内核。 使用HWE 在Ubuntu 18.04 中获取 Linux 5.0 内核 ...
Check Ubuntu Version with hostnamectl Command Another command that also gives you information about the Ubuntu version is thehostnamectlcommand: hostnamectl The command displays the system's hostname and key system information, such as the OS version,kernel version, machine ID, virtualization type...
cat/proc/version 方法二:查看系统当前的内核版本 uname-a 方法三:仅仅查看内核版本 uname-r 方法四:查看系统安装的所有内核版本 sudo dpkg--get-selections |grep linux3、删除内核 较新内核的版本为4.13.0-36,使用以下命令删除该内核: sudo apt-getpurge linux-headers-x.x.x-x linux-image-x.x.x-x-gen...
No matter what your reasons are, you may be in a situation where you need to downgrade your kernel to a specific version. In this guide, I will show you how to downgrade a recent Ubuntu Pro 20.04 AMI’s kernel to the orig…
For indication about the GNOME version, please check the "nautilus" and "gnome-shell" packages. The Apache web server is listed as "httpd" and the Linux kernel is listed as "linux". The KDE desktop is represented by the "plasma-desktop" package and the Xfce desktop by the "xfdesktop" ...