filename=`echo $r | awk '{print $2}'` echo -e "\033[32m\033[1mPut file successfully, hash: $filename, cost: $cost msecs.\033[0m" # get files t1=$(timer) ipfs get $filename t2=$(timer) cost=`awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.5f\n",(('$t2'-'$t1')*1000)}'` echo -e "\033[...
Ubuntu 下载东西 出现 Hash 校验和不符 失败 技术标签:Ubuntu 如果总是出现这种现象 建议1、更换apt 的源地址 建议2、因本人安装的是Redis ,且电脑是Ubuntu的(而不是虚拟机),可以从官网下载tar包,解压并安装 Redis 官网 : 出现这种情况的原因 : 本人的Ubuntu 电脑,网络可以连接,用X...
使用如下命令来创建grub认证密码 sudo grub-mkpasswd-pbkdf2 # Enter password: WeiyiGeek # Reenter password: WeiyiGeek # PBKDF2 hash of your password is grub.pbkdf2.sha512.10000.2FAFDA9CF0C871D1B01328D276AA55E14C54222718C969DD33E3287E720889AE0FF485FCBDC336566BC2A48C9FC97C15A09BDA7C926D8A21B...
Modern Linux has long since moved to /etc/shadow, and for some time now has used salted MD5-based hashes for password verification (crypt id 1). Since MD5 is considered "broken" for some uses and as computational power available to perform brute-forcing of MD5 increases, Ubuntu 8.10 and ...
Multipass是一个轻量虚拟机管理器,是由 Ubuntu 运营公司 Canonical 所推出的开源项目。运行环境支持 ...
(aka, key stretching. Note,PBKDF1 and PBKDF2 are NIST approved methods to apply key-stretching by using key derivation functions). A requirement for glibc was to use a standards-based algorithm and since the SHA512 hash algorithm is recommended by NIST, it is suitable for use in ...
sudo apt-get install p7zip 或者sudo apt-get install p7zip-full 解压文件: 7z x manager.7z -r 或者7z x manager.7z -r -o /home/xx 解释如下: x代表解压缩文件,并且是按原始目录解压(还有个参数e也是解压缩文件,但其会将所有文件都解压到根下,而不是自己原有的文件夹下)manager.7z是压缩文件,这里...
You can configure your WAN interface as a DHCP, fixed IP or according to your service provider. Edit the file /etc/network/interfaces and change the eth0 configuration as desired, in my case i have DHCP (default): Edit the file:
sudoapt-getinstallgit 创建账户git 创建Linux账户git,用来运行git服务,之后的提示,全部按回车就行 sudoadduser git 创建证书登录 收集所有需要登录的用户的公钥,公钥位于id_rsa.pub文件中,把我们的公钥导入到/home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys文件里,一行一个。
If the maintainer does not tell you how to add the key then you need to find the "key hash" of the repository in order to look up the key on a public key server. Once you know the key hash, the key can be retrieved using the command: ...