[记录]为虚拟机Ubuntu增加磁盘空间 方式一,在虚拟机设置里扩展磁盘。 如图:Utilities---Expand 顺便说一下Compact选项,说说压缩磁盘,释放空间。参考这里:http://pubs.vmware.com/ws7_ace26/wwhelp/wwhimpl/js/html/wwhelp.htm?context=ws_user&file=ws_disk_shrink.html 浏览了一下没看懂到底是释放什么空间。。
sudo fdisk -lu 运行以下命令扩容分区 sudo growpart /dev/vda 3 Increase the Physical Volume (pv) to max size sudo pvresize /dev/vda3 Expand the Logical Volume (LV) to max size to match sudo lvresize -l +100%FREE /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv Expand the filesystem itself sudo resiz...
"copy_firmware": true, "copy_installer_data": true, "source": "esp" }, { "name": "Boot", "type": "Linux", "size": "2147483648B", "image": "boot.img" }, { "name": "Root", "type": "Linux", "size": "12GB", "expand": true, "image": "root.img" } ] }, ... }...
c2="[ [[ awk basename bc beep blkdiscard bunzip2 bzcat bzip2 cal chpst chrt chvt cksum clear cmp comm crontab cryptpw cut dc deallocvt diff dirname dos2unix dpkg dpkg-deb du dumpleases eject env envdir envuidgid expand expr factor fallocate fgconsole find flock fold free ftpget ftpput fu...
不能用virt-resize --expand /dev/sda1 old.qcow2 new.qcow2这样的命令, 这样制作出来的镜像, 丢失了/dev/sda14, /dev/sda15这两个分区, 变成了 /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2, /dev/sda3, 会导致install --import时卡住. 用virt-filesystems --long --parts --blkdevs -h -a new.qcow2命令查看, ...
"expand": true, "image": "root.img" } ] },...}在 installer_data.json 中定义的内容,看起来就是我们要找的预构建好的 ARM 架构的系统镜像文件,虽然是 23.10 版本的 Ubuntu,但是我们可以和之前那篇文章一样,尝试升级系统到最新版本嘛。不过,不论我们怎么和前面的安装程序中,预先定义好的路径进行拼合,...
这是因为磁盘空间不够引起的,CUDA ToolKit需要将近10G的磁盘空间,所以空间要留足。技术奇客ITGeeker.net之前给Ubuntu的空间太小,只好进行虚拟机硬盘空间的扩展,又是一番折腾。可以参看技术奇客ITGeeker.net的博客:https://www.itgeeker.net/esxi-8-vm-machine-how-to-expand-disk-space-for-ubuntu-lvm ...
不能用virt-resize --expand /dev/sda1 old.qcow2 new.qcow2这样的命令, 这样制作出来的镜像, 丢失了/dev/sda14, /dev/sda15这两个分区, 变成了 /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2, /dev/sda3, 会导致install --import时卡住. 用virt-filesystems --long --parts --blkdevs -h -a new.qcow2命令查看, ...
这是因为磁盘空间不够引起的,CUDA ToolKit需要将近10G的磁盘空间,所以空间要留足。技术奇客ITGeeker.net之前给Ubuntu的空间太小,只好进行虚拟机硬盘空间的扩展,又是一番折腾。可以参看技术奇客ITGeeker.net的博客:https://www.itgeeker.net/esxi-8-vm-machine-how-to-expand-disk-space-for-ubuntu-lvm ...
expand unbounded calls to "sprintf", "strcpy" into their "n" length-limited cousins when the size of a destination buffer is known (protects against memory overflows). stop format string "%n" attacks when the format string is in a writable memory segment. require checking various important...